The digestive system is aided by many small glands which produce and secrete important digestive enzymes. One such organ is the gallbladder. The gallbladder stores a digestive enzyme known as bile, which is released into the small intestine for digestion.
What are Gallstones?
Reading stones, one might wonder how pebbles get into their digestive system. That is not the case, but much like stones in nature, gallstones are also formed by a collection of materials sticking together.
Gallstones are solid deposits of enzyme residues sticking together with cell debris that can take the form of a stone over time in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ on the right side of the abdomen, usually beneath the liver. Gallstones may range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball, depending on how long they have gone undiagnosed in the body. Often a person may develop many small gallstones instead of one big one.
Types of Gallstones
Gallstones are broadly divided based on their composition:
Cholesterol Gallstones
These are the most common form of gallstones. They are primarily made up of undissolved cholesterol which is left in the body.
Pigment Gallstones
Made up of excess bilirubin (a pigment released during the breakdown of red blood cells, often found in the liver as it helps in digestion). These stones are called pigmented due to their brown-black appearance.
Symptoms of Gallstone
Gallstones may not always cause symptoms, some may even form and dissolve with metabolic activities if they are insignificantly sized. When gallstones become of significant size and composition, they may cause noticeable discomfort and other gallstone symptoms as listed below:
Pain in the upper right abdomen
Pain in the right shoulder or between the shoulder blades.
A feeling of constant nausea
Grey stool
High fever (may be accompanied by chills)
Severe pain and yellowing of skin and eyes.
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, contact the best Gastroenterologist in Pune to get the finest treatment.
5 Home Remedies for Bladder Stones
Gallstones, if insignificantly small or grain-sized, can be managed by changing diet and lifestyle.
Drink plenty of water.
Eat more fruits and Vegetables.
Maintain a healthy body weight
Avoid estrogen supplements (Especially for women over 40).
Eat fibre-rich food.
While natural remedies can help with minor stones which do not cause any symptoms, consulting a doctor is very important. Natural remedies can be of some help, in maintaining good health but cannot be relied upon for long-term relief. Proper tests must be done to assess the damage caused and to manage the condition in a timely fashion. Gallstones, even the small ones can stick to one another and form bigger stones as big as the size of a golf ball.
Such big stones can obstruct organs, block enzyme flow or cause physical damage in the body. Such stones need to be removed right away with the help of surgery to help relieve pain and avoid damage to organs. Hence, consulting a practicing physician is important. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, then it is advisable to visit a doctor right away. Your doctor will advise thorough tests for blood and imaging to assess your condition and plan the best course of treatment to ensure good health. The gastrology hospital in Baner is equipped with the best imaging technologies and equipment for stone removal. Our doctors are some of the best surgeons and medical experts for stone care. For any health-related queries about gallstones, book an appointment today or visit your nearest Manipal Hospitals.