Winters are the most awaited time of the year, with festivities and making merry, this is the time of the year when we slow down and enjoy the lovely warmth of winter sun as the cool breeze wraps up everything. There is food and soups and a general sense of splurging and letting loose with all the amazing options to fill up the tummy. We all love winters with all our hearts, but does our heart love it too? While winters are a lovely time to enjoy with friends and family, may be risky for health. Over the years, it has been observed and recorded clinically that more people suffer heart issues in the winter months than at any other time. Why does that happen and how do we take care of our heart health and those we keep close to our hearts? In this article, you are gonna get all the answers.
Cold Feet Already?
With winters, and the harsh cold winds, we often feel cold, and often our hands and feet turn cold when we step out without proper cover. Why does it happen? The body conserves body heat by vasoconstriction or the narrowing of blood vessels via muscle contraction. While this is our body’s natural mechanism to conserve energy and body heat, this can lead to elevated blood pressure. High blood pressure is a known causative agent for Heart problems like Heart attack and risk of Stroke. Ensuring proper cover and accessories to protect against cold harsh winds when stepping out is one way to take care of your heart and prevent excessive stress on it.
Extra Labour Anyone?
The human heart is an organ that is beyond workaholics. It starts beating even before we are born and keeps beating till our last breath. Our hearts do not follow daylight saving rules, and with an increased blood thickness in winter, end up working twice as hard to keep us going. A drop in mercury means our body needs to keep working and generate warmth. Hence, there is a lot more stress on the heart in winter compared to summer. To know more, visit the best heart hospital in Baner, Pune.
Hi Cholesterol!
With the winter season in full swing, in North India, we find ourselves surrounded by lavish feasts and multiple events of celebrations. This means a higher intake of fatty foods which may increase cholesterol levels in the blood. Along with that, the general drop in the ambient temperatures may lead to the thickening of the blood, thus increasing the overall risk for blood clots. These can lead to stroke or cardiac arrest risks.
Good Hydration
Including good fats through fish oil supplements, omega-rich nuts, and dry fruits, consumption of heart-healthy seasonal fruits and vegetables can also help maintain cholesterol levels within safe ranges.
Two’s a Company, Three a Crowd
With the onset of winter, we spend more time indoors and prefer closed spaces for comfort and warmth. Public spaces may also be extra congested. This can lead to an overall increase in exposure to viruses and bacteria and repeated exposure may lead to infections. Using an air purifier can help. Observing basic hygiene and cleanliness is another way forward. Frequent infections and exposure to viruses can lead to weakness and increase health risks.
Wearing face masks when stepping into public spaces can help protect against exposure to infectious agents. Observing basic hygiene is another way to minimize risk.
Work it Out
It is a bit difficult to work out in winter with a general sense of lethargy, and cold temperatures. Move your daily workout routines indoors and indulge in moderate exercise and calisthenics to keep up heart health and overall mobility.
If you are an outdoor enthusiast, make sure you wear proper workout gear and layer up in warm clothing to preserve body heat.
Patients who already have suffered a heart attack, and underwent angioplasty or bypass surgery should refrain from walking in the early morning hours as cold weather can precipitate angina episodes.
Help is Here
With the change in temperatures and increased risk of heart conditions, one should consult with a doctor to ensure proper caution. At Manipal Hospitals, Baner, we have some of the best heart doctors in town to answer all your queries. Book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals now and meet the best cardiologists in Baner, Pune.
How do I know if I have a Cardiac Condition?
Cardiac conditions are not always coming to you with visible symptoms to see. Often, the signs are much less noticeable and may be overlooked as minor discomfort. These include:
Chest discomfort or any type of pain.
During a heart attack, some people may experience heartburn, indigestion, and stomach pain.
Even while there may not always be obvious chest discomfort, shoulder, and arm pain might still exist.
Wheezing and breathing difficulties.
Cough that lasts a long time in a heart patient.
Easily exhausted.
Sweating without any exertion.
Most of us would ignore these minor discomforts as we go around our busy lives, attending work meetings and personal responsibilities.
Manipal Hospitals, Baner, Pune