Tonsils are two small, oval-shaped pads of tissue located at the back of the throat, one on each side. They are an important part of our immune system till 5 years of age. Between 5 to about 12 years of age, they start becoming smaller as the rest of the immune system starts developing. In adults, the role of tonsils in immunity is very minor.
These tissue pads play an important role in maintaining immunity by:
Germ Trapping
Tonsils are like tiny custom filters inside our bodies which trap bacteria and viruses entering your body through your mouth or nose. This prevents them from entering the body and causing infections in the respiratory system.
Making Fighter Cells
Tonsils contain special cells called lymphocytes, which are fighters of the immune system. These cells fight the germs entering our body keep us healthy and help protect the body from disease.
Tonsils form a barrier at the back of the throat, preventing harmful substances from entering the deeper airways and lungs.
To know more, visit the best ENT Hospital in Pune.
Issues with Tonsils
While tonsils serve important functions, they can sometimes become inflamed and infected, leading to a condition called tonsillitis.
Sore throat
Swollen tonsils
Difficulty in swallowing
Swollen neck glands
In most cases, tonsillitis resolves on its own with simple home remedies of rest and care. However, if it becomes severe or recurrent, or persists for more than 2-3 days it is better to consult a doctor. An ENT specialist, also called an otolaryngologist should be consulted for accurate diagnosis and appropriate tonsillitis treatment. Manipal Hospitals Baner has the best ENT surgeon in Pune.
Things to know:
Tonsils are most active in childhood and become smaller with age, after 12 years.
Tonsils are not essential for survival or immunity, especially after 5 years of age and many people live healthy lives without them.
Some people have naturally large tonsils, which can be more prone to inflammation and infection.
It's important to remember that everyone's body is different, and the best way to care for your tonsils depends on your health condition and needs. Seeking professional help is the best step forward.
Treatment Options for Tonsil
There are many ways to manage and treat tonsil problems, including:
Gargling with warm salt water can help soothe a sore throat and reduce swelling.
Water and Fluids
Drinking warm liquids and increasing water intake. This helps loosen mucus and prevent dehydration.
Eating Soft Foods
These will be easier to swallow than hard foods.
This helps your body fight off the infection.
Using a Humidifier
This device adds moisture to the air, which can help soothe a sore throat.
Over-the-counter pain relievers
These can help reduce pain and inflammation.
These are only necessary if your tonsillitis is caused by a bacterial infection. Only doctor-prescribed antibiotics should be used and the entire course prescribed by the doctor should be completed.
This is the surgical removal of the tonsils. It is usually recommended by the doctor if the infections are recurrent and lasting for more than 4-5 days each time. If a person is not responding to medicines as expected, the surgical option helps get rid of the problem.
Tonsils are important helper organs in our body, especially in childhood, which assist immune function. When infected with a bacteria or virus, they may swell and cause various tonsillitis symptoms like pain in the throat, pain in swallowing, sore throat and swollen neck glands. Getting rest and care is important to recover but recurrent issues should not be ignored. Getting a proper medical diagnosis is your first step towards quality care. Seeking professional help improves your chances of successful healing and preventing repeated attacks. Manipal Hospitals Baner has some of the best ENT doctors for ENT in Pune to cater to all your medical needs.