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Department of Liver Clinic

The ABCDE Of Hepatitis And Other Liver Diseases

Posted On: Nov 07, 2023

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ABCDE of Hepatitis

Liver diseases are a major public health problem in India. The most common liver diseases in India are hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and cirrhosis. These diseases can lead to liver failure, liver cancer, and death. Several factors contribute to the high burden of liver diseases in India. These factors include a lack of awareness about liver diseases, poor sanitation and hygiene, sharing of needles among injecting drug users, high rates of alcohol consumption, and unhealthy diets.

Scroll till the end to find out what our expert hepatologist in Baner, Pune have to say about liver diseases. In this article, we have also listed the common types of liver diseases and prevention tips.

ABCDE of Hepatitis

  • Hepatitis A

This is caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). It is spread through contact with the stool of an infected person, such as through contaminated food or water. Hepatitis A is usually a mild illness that goes away on its own within a few weeks. However, it can be serious in people with certain chronic health conditions.

  • Hepatitis B

This is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It is spread through contact with blood or other bodily fluids of an infected person. Hepatitis B can be acute or chronic. Acute hepatitis B usually goes away on its own, but chronic hepatitis B can lead to liver damage, cirrhosis, and liver cancer.

  • Hepatitis C

This is caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). It is spread through contact with the blood of an infected person. Hepatitis C can be acute or chronic. Acute hepatitis C often goes unnoticed but can become chronic. Chronic hepatitis C can lead to liver damage, cirrhosis, and liver cancer.

  • Hepatitis D

This is caused by the hepatitis D virus (HDV). It is spread through contact with the blood of an infected person. Hepatitis D can only occur in individuals who are already infected with hepatitis B. It can cause acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, and liver failure.

  • Hepatitis E

This is caused by the hepatitis E virus (HEV). It is spread through contact with the stool of an infected person, such as through contaminated food or water. Hepatitis E is usually a mild illness that goes away on its own within a few weeks. However, it can be serious among pregnant women.

Consult a liver clinic in Baner if you to learn more about viral hepatitis causes. 

Other Common Liver Diseases

Other common liver disease types include:

  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD):

It is caused by the build-up of fat in the liver. NAFLD can progress to steatohepatitis, which is a more serious condition that can cause inflammation and scarring of the liver.

  • Alcoholic liver disease (ALD)

It is caused by excessive alcohol consumption. ALD can cause a variety of liver problems, including fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis.

  • Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease that scars the liver. Many factors, including viral hepatitis, alcohol abuse, and NAFLD can cause it.

Symptoms of Liver Diseases

The symptoms of liver disease can vary depending on the type of disease and how advanced it is. Some common symptoms include:

  • Jaundice: This is a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. It is caused by a build-up of bilirubin, a substance that is produced when the liver breaks down red blood cells.

  • Abdominal Pain:  Abdominal pain is usually felt in the upper right abdomen, where the liver is located.

  • Loss of Appetite: This is a common symptom of many liver diseases.

  • Weight Loss: This can be a sign of advanced liver disease.

  • Fatigue: This is a feeling of tiredness and weakness that is not relieved by rest.

  • Nausea and Vomiting: These symptoms can be caused by liver disease or by other conditions, such as gallstones.

  • Dark Urine: This is caused by a build-up of bilirubin in the urine.

  • Pale Stool: This is caused by a lack of bile.

  • Easy Bruising: This is caused by a decrease in the production of blood clotting factors by the liver.

  • Swelling in the Legs and Ankles: This is caused by a buildup of fluid in the body.

  • Spider Angiomas: These are small, red blood vessels that appear on the skin. They are a sign of liver disease.

  • Palmar Erythema: This is a redness of the palms of the hands. It is a sign of liver disease.

If you experience any of these viral hepatitis symptoms, it is important to see an experienced hepatologist in Baner to get a diagnosis and treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment of liver disease can help to prevent serious complications. It is important to note that not everyone with liver disease will experience symptoms. Some people may have liver disease for many years without any noticeable symptoms. This is why it is important to get regular checkups, even if you do not have any symptoms.

Tips to Prevent Liver Diseases 

Several things can be done to prevent liver diseases. These include: 

  • Getting vaccinated against hepatitis A and B.

  • Avoid sharing needles.

  • Reducing alcohol consumption.

  • Eating a healthy diet.

  • Maintain a healthy weight.

  • Exercising regularly.

  • Getting regular checkups from a doctor.

Liver disease is a serious condition that can lead to liver failure, a life-threatening condition, but timely diagnosis and treatment can help you recover faster. Book an appointment at Manipal Hospital Baner, for a consultation with the experts. You can also check out our official blog page for more accurate and reliable medical content on diseases, their treatment and general well-being topics.

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