
Adult Vaccination: Why It's Important and Which Vaccines You Need | Dr. Pruthu Dhekane | MH Baner

Stay protected and informed! In this insightful video, Dr. Pruthu Dhekane, an expert in Infectious Diseases at Manipal Hospitals Baner, explains why adult vaccinations are crucial for your health. Discover which vaccines are essential and how they can help you stay healthy. Watch now to learn more about safeguarding yourself and your loved ones! For a consultation, call - 020 6813 8888 or visit - https://bit.ly/MHBHome #ManipalHospitalsBaner #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #AdultVaccination #HealthAwareness #InfectiousDiseases #DrPruthuDhekane #StayProtected #HealthTips #VaccinationMatters #HealthyLiving #PreventiveCare