What is Thalassemia Minor? Symptoms And Causes

Dr. Rajendra Pol
6 Min Read
Nov 22, 2024
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Bone marrow is the source of all blood cells in the body. It is a soft, spongy tissue inside most bones' hollow cavities. The bone marrow is where all the blood cells are made, including red blood cells that deliver oxygen to the tissues white blood cells that help fight infection and platelets which stop bleeding. Bone marrow transplantation replaces defective bone marrow with healthy donor bone marrow to treat cancer or serious diseases such as Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma and various other bone marrow diseases including Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease. A bone marrow transplant is a ray of hope for patients at risk of developing Hematologic diseases (conditions of blood and blood-forming organs), cancer, or other severe diseases. Consult experts at the best bone marrow transplant hospital in Baner, Pune. Bone marrow Transplant (BMT) treats hematologic diseases and conditions like: Aplastic Anaemia Leukaemia Lymphoma Multiple Myeloma Myelodysplasia (underfunctioning bone marrow) Rare Blood Cancers Sickle-Cell disease Thalassemia Rare Blood Disorders. Bone marrow transplantation uses high-dose chemotherapy to destroy the diseased bone marrow in the patient's body. It then replaces them with healthy bone marrow from a donor. This procedure can help treat many types of blood cancers when detected in early stages and employed fully. After this phase is complete and the drugs have wiped out the patient's immune system, they receive an infusion of new healthy blood-forming cells through an IV into their veins. Immunosuppression is needed (to suppress own immunity) to allow new incoming bone marrow to survive settle and function.
Manipal Hospitals is the best bone marrow transplant hospital in Baner, Pune. The new facility in the Manipal Hospitals opened in 2020 and helps patients with bone marrow transplant services for all malignant and benign haematological disorders. Our modern facility includes world-class infrastructure, sophisticated laboratories, blood transfusion services, and a radiation oncology unit.
A 5-bed bone marrow transplant unit with HEPA filter and positive pressure ventilation helps us treat the patients efficiently. We also offer Cryopreservation, Apheresis Stem Cell Products and Irradiation of blood products to prevent transfusion-associated graft-versus-host Disease. Consult our specialists if you require bone marrow transplantation in Baner, Pune.
What is Hematology?
Hematology studies blood, bone marrow and the diseases associated with them. It is a subspecialty of internal medicine and is closely related to oncology, which also focuses on blood-related issues.
Haematologists diagnose, treat and manage a variety of blood disorders, including Anaemia, Leukaemias, Lymphomas and other cancers that affect the blood cells or bone marrow.
How does a Bone Marrow Transplant Work?
Bone marrow is the spongy tissue that produces blood cells inside our bones. It contains special cells called stem cells, which can grow into different types of blood cells, such as RBCs, WBCs, and platelets.
Bone marrow transplantation replaces diseased bone marrow with healthy bone marrow. A patient with Leukaemia or Lymphoma may undergo this procedure if they do not produce enough healthy blood cells.
The steps in a bone marrow transplant include the following:
Find a donor with a matching tissue type.
Prepare the body's immune system by suppressing or destroying the immune system using drugs.
Collect bone marrow from the patient's body to return if they do not receive a transplant or develop graft-versus-host disease (when newly transplanted cells attack their host).
Chemotherapy or radiation therapy removes all diseased cells.
Doctors inject new blood-forming cells.
Bone Marrow or Stem Cell Transplant Types
Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant
Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation (ABMT) uses the patient's stem cells. This treatment aims to replace diseased or damaged tissue with healthy tissue from the patient's body.
In ABMT, the patient's blood is removed and stored for later use. The doctor then uses a needle to withdraw some healthy stem cells from the patient's bloodstream, which are stored in another bag until needed. The doctor will inject chemotherapy drugs to kill cancer cells wherever they exist.
The medical team observes the patient to ensure no infections or complications are involved.
Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant
Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) treats certain types of cancer, genetic diseases, and blood disorders. It involves treating the recipient with high-dose chemotherapy and radiation therapy to destroy their diseased bone marrow and then replacing it with healthy bone marrow cells from a donor.
Allogeneic BMTs help patients who cannot use their stem cells to fight off disease because of damage from chemotherapy or radiotherapy. These transplants can also replace damaged stem cells in patients with inherited genetic disorders. Allogenic BMT includes:
Related Donor Transplant includes an identical twin who is a perfect match. At the same time, a sibling could also be a close match.
A Half-Matched Family Member Donor Transplant includes biological parents, siblings, or children. It helps patients when a close match is missing.
Matched Unrelated Donor Transplant happens without any blood relatives for the transplant. The medical team helps patients to find a donor by registering into an international registry.
Diseases and Conditions that Need Bone Marrow Transplant
Bone Marrow Transplant is a ray of hope for treating conditions which include the following:
Acute Myeloid Leukemia/ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Multiple Myeloma
Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Non-Cancerous Conditions
POEMS Syndrome
Germ Cell Tumors
Aplastic Anaemia
Thalassemia Major
Multiple Sclerosis
Primary Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Haematological and Storage Disorders
Immunodeficiency Disorders
Plasma Cell Disorders
Primary Amyloidosis
Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Who is eligible for Bone Marrow Transplant?
A Bone Marrow Transplant is a procedure for transplanting healthy bone marrow from a donor to a patient. It treats cancers and other blood disorders.
The doctor assesses the patient's eligibility for a bone marrow transplant based on the following criteria:
The patient suffers from a hematological condition where other treatment options have failed.
Doctors assess the health and function of vital organs like the liver and kidney.
Doctors analyze the Karnofsky performance score for cancer patients.
A valid HCT comorbidity index determines the severity and prevalence of comorbidities in various organs.
Doctors also assess the psychological issues that may impact the patient's recovery.
Who is an eligible donor?
Donors can be of any age, gender, race, or ethnicity. To become a donor, one must:
Have an HLA match to ensure a matching blood type.
Be free from diseases of vital organs like the heart, lungs, or kidneys.
Complete a comprehensive health assessment report from the doctor confirming health to donate.
The donor should not have cancer, any blood condition or HIV.
What happens after the procedure?
After the bone marrow transplant, the patient will remain isolated under medical supervision to reduce the infection risk. The patient may stay in the hospital for a few days, but this will vary depending on their recovery.
Allogeneic transplantation requires at least three months for recovery. However, an Autologous transplant has a faster recovery which may take around a month. Doctors recommend eating a healthy and balanced diet, avoiding crowded places and contact with sick people, and avoiding alcohol and smoking.
Hemato Oncology
Hemato Oncology is the discipline of medical science which deals with cancers of the blood. Manipal Hospitals Baner has one of the most robust Hemato Oncology departments in the country, providing the highest standards of care to patients suffering from acute and chronic blood disorders. We have trained hemato-oncologists for both teenage/young adult (TYA) and adult patients across all age groups.
Services and Facilities
A successful treatment plan needs an accurate diagnosis. Our hematopathologists at Manipal Hospitals center for Hemato-oncology are renowned for their blood disease diagnosis and treatment expertise. Even the most rare disorders have been accurately diagnosed by our experts with utmost precision. All our treatment programs evaluate and manage the patient’s care through the direction of an expert hematologist who is supported by a comprehensive team of physicians, dietitians, nursing staff, and support staff to provide holistic care to the patient. This includes psychiatrists, social workers and nutritionists.
The facilities and infrastructure at Manipal Hospitals Baner are specially designed to care for immunocompromised patients. HEPA-filtered rooms, dedicated ICUs, HDUs and rooms ensure a safe environment for all transplant patients. We ensure all floors have positive and negative pressure rooms.
Our cutting-edge lab facilities include molecular, genetic mutation analysis, flow cytometry and coagulation testing. Manipal Hospitals host one of the most trusted blood bank facilities in the country. We ensure that blood leukocyte is reduced at the collection source and that it undergoes nucleic acid tests to decrease the chances of infections caused by blood transfusions, making Manipal Hospitals the best Bone Marrow Transplant Hospital in Pune.
A plasmapheresis unit is available for the treatment of haematological emergencies and the performance of peripheral blood stem cell collection. A daycare facility with well-trained hemato-oncology nurses who are well-experienced in handling blood products and chemotherapy is always at hand.
Our facilities include:
Bone marrow tests
Coagulation screening
System analyser (detailed Haemogram with red and white blood cell platelet indices & ESR reticulocyte count, and so on)
Haemoglobinopathy screening
Automated coagulation marking positive coagulation tests with stringent quality control
24-hour blood transfusion services
Bone marrow transplant unit (HEPA filtered) Hematology services at Manipal Hospital are available for inpatients.
All of our patients are treated with advanced management plans that follow up-to-date protocol, after thorough investigations.
State-of-the-art laboratories ensure extensive investigations for:
Bone marrow failure diseases like MDS
Aplastic anaemia etc.
Bleeding disorders
The department’s four integrated divisions are as follows - Diagnostic haematology - Clinical haematology - Clinical & Research programs - Teaching & Education.
Anemia is when there is a shortage of red blood cells or hemoglobin. Anemia can result from bleeding, liver disease, or iron loss through heavy periods or diarrhea. It can also result from the failure of the body to produce enough new red blood cells. Anemia can affect anyone. However, older people are more receptive to it. Manipal Hospitals has the best Anemia treatment in Baner, Pune.
Blood cancer results from a malignant transformation of blood-forming cells in the bone marrow. It can affect any of the body's blood-forming organs, including the bone marrow, lymph nodes, and spleen. Inherited genetic mutations cause a small percentage of all cases of Leukaemia and Lymphoma. Smoking and exposure to passive smoke increase the risk of developing respiratory system cancers. We are the best Hematology hospital in Baner, Pune, and we help patients overcome fatal conditions, including blood cancer.
Cryopreservation is preserving cells, tissues and organs by storing them in a cold environment for a short period or indefinitely. The most common method is to freeze cells in liquid nitrogen at -196 degrees Celsius. This method is known as Cryopreservation. Cryopreservation can store organs, blood products, sperm, embryos, eggs, and tissues.
Karnofsky's Performance Score measures how well a cancer patient is doing. It helps doctors determine how much treatment to recommend and how much to expect from their patients.
The score ranges from 100 to 0, with 100 being the best possible response.
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