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Rehabilitation Science is a field of science that focuses on human function and disability. Various healthcare professionals such as a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, orthotics & prosthetic engineers, rehabilitation psychologist, nutritionist work as a team enhancing physical and psychosocial functioning, participation in life situations with improved quality of life of people who have been affected with chronic or reversible physical & psychosocial disabilities/impairments due to a various disease process. Department works in a collaborative manner with other medical specialties to deliver patient-centric optimal care to the patients who need rehabilitation services. A few specialities to name are orthopaedics, sports medicine, critical care, cardiac sciences, oncology, paediatric, medicine and gynaecology and many more…
Manipal hospital is the best physiotherapy hospital in Baner, Pune having best physiotherapists in Baner, Pune providing sports injury physiotherapy & rehabilitation, Hand Injury Rehabilitation, Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Program, Critical Care Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation, etc.
Department is equipped with a professional therapist who is dedicated to delivering the best possible advanced and recent patient care to help them return to their highest levels of independent functioning and for a continuum of care physiotherapist and primary consultant teamwork in close collaboration under the same roof.
Our unique model and use of software-based customised exercises program which the patient can access from their smartphone do the exercises routine correctly by looking at a video and well-written instructions and note down the progress.
After a comprehensive evaluation, identifies functional deficit, develops an individualized treatment plan that may incorporate manual therapy, exercise or electro-physical modalities to optimize recovery, if necessary it can be fine-tuned on a day to day basis, and also, provide/ recommends for continued therapy as home care after discharge.
We have all the facilities and advanced equipment with the motivated therapist to provide best physiotherapy treatment in Baner, Pune from mechanical low backache to vestibular disorders (balance problems), pre-operative to home physiotherapy care, prenatal to postnatal care.
Musculoskeletal rehabilitation deals with Neck & Back pain- spondylosis, disc prolapse, etc. Frozen shoulder, Knee Pain- Osteoarthritis, Bursitis, ligament injuries. Sports injuries like an Ankle sprain, Rotator cuff tears, Impingement syndrome, Rehabilitation following ACL repair, hip/knee replacement, Osteoporosis, Deconditioning due to chronic illness, Rheumatological disorders, Mobilization following surgery, fractures, polytrauma.
The best physiotherapy treatment hospital in Baner, Pune is equipped with state-of-the-art international standard modalities to deal with all types of musculoskeletal disorders including post-orthopaedic surgery rehabilitation. Our emphasis is on hands-on manual therapy osteopathic manual therapy to deal with various musculoskeletal disorders focused on non-invasive pain management.
Mechanical Cervical-scapular Humeral Pain Care Program – Addresses movement dysfunction, related to the postural and scapular stabilizers muscle, often diagnosed as scapular dyskinesia and upper crossed syndrome. These types of dysfunctions are most common in overhead athletes, people who work in awkward postures such as computer professionals, inappropriate weight training etc. The treatment includes the facilitation of inhibited muscle groups and the lengthening of shortened and tight muscle correction of biomechanics around the shoulder complex.
Anterior Knee Pain (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome) Care Program – Anterior knee pain is classical mechanical knee pain; pain is especially felt while stair activities. It is most common in running athletes, dancers, and inappropriate weight training. Anterior knee pain if diagnosed early can be successfully treated with physiotherapeutic intervention.
Comprehensive Posture, Ergonomics & Spine Care Program – The program addresses the issues related to spine structural imbalance and postural dysfunctions. Comprehensive software-based assessment done to evaluate the posture followed by a detailed musculoskeletal evaluation including occupation-related history and work nature. Based on the evaluation, the most effective customised intervention plan is tailored to address the pain and discomfort arising from biomechanical derangement. The Centre provides onsite ergonomics workstation evaluations ergonomic awareness and training to prevent repetitive strain injury (RSI) and other work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs).
Amputee Rehabilitation - The program takes care of the needs of patients who need limb amputation out prosthetics specialist take care of pre-amputation assessment and counselling, prescription fabrication and fitment of prosthesis out specialised physiotherapist takes care of functional training after fitment and prosthesis-related musculoskeletal problems.
Hand Injury Rehabilitation – hand rehabilitation specialised services by our occupational therapist and physiotherapist. People who have undergone plastic surgery, tendon transfer, hand reconstruction after crush injuries or any suffered traumatic injury to the hand need these specialised services to achieve an optimal level of function.
Foot & Body Balance Care Program – The program addresses the issues related to fool alignment as dysfunctional alignment may lead to various compensatory biomechanical dysfunctions around another joint including the spine. A foot scan is done on the Foot Pro Essential system from Finland, custom foot insoles are made as appropriate and if needed to balance the body on foot. Remedial exercises and posture correction are provided.
Neurological rehabilitation deals with patients recovering from neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, nerve injury, and spinal cord injury. Neurological disorders depending on its severity often lead to partial or complete paralysis of the body part. Neurological rehabilitation helps the patient to recover the maximum possible mobility, independence and control of these body parts.
The department is equipped with the latest technology such as Functional Electrical Stimulation, Partial Body Weight Supported Gait Training, Electromyography BioFeedBack System, Balance Training System, Semi Virtual Reality Bilateral Movement Trainer, Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation, Electronic Tilt Table, Stair Activity Training Unit, Parallel Bars, Suspension Therapy Unit to deliver international standard patient-centric care to the patients who need the neurological rehabilitation services.
Our physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, orthotic and prosthetic specialist along with other health care professionals including medical specialists works in close collaboration to provide patient-centric optimal care. The neurological Rehabilitation team is internationally trained in various hands-on therapeutic approaches such as Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, Neurodevelopmental Therapy/Bobath approach, Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy, Constraint-induced movement therapy, Motor relearning program, Mirror therapy, Functional Movement Analysis & Treatment Strategy
Stroke Rehabilitation Program– Addresses movement dysfunction, gait rehabilitation, aphasia & dysphasia, cognitive and perceptual issues various splints and orthotics needed.
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Program – Addresses to achieve the maximum possible functional goal based on the severity of injury and classification of injury. The services include patient & family counselling, functional assessment, assessment, prescription and fabrication of wheelchairs, and assessment, prescription and fitment of various orthotics supports.
Vestibular and Balance Rehabilitation Program – The program addresses the issues related to vestibular and balance dysfunctions. Comprehensive fall risk assessment including neuro-vestibular evaluation, detailed neurological evaluation allows for planning the most appropriate rehabilitation intervention for people with fall, vestibular or balance-related dysfunctions.
Traumatic Head Injury Rehabilitation Program – Addresses to achieve the maximum possible functional goal based on the severity of injury and classification of injury. The services include patient & family counselling, functional assessment, assessment, prescription and fabrication of wheelchairs, and assessment, prescription and fitment of various orthotics supports.
Facial (Bell’s Palsy) Palsy Rehabilitation – Bell’s palsy is a type of facial paralysis which results in an inability to control the facial muscles on the affected side. Usually, it affects one side, both side paralysis is very rare. Bell’s palsy treatment includes pharmacological treatment and physiotherapies such as neuromuscular electrical stimulation, EMG biofeedback therapy for facial muscle training and specific remedial exercises.
Paediatric rehabilitation deals with children suffering from various neurological, musculoskeletal, a genetic condition such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, club foot, developmental delays, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, or torticollis, the paediatric therapists are specialized in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of infants, children, and adolescents with a variety of congenital, developmental, neuromuscular, skeletal, or acquired disorders/diseases.
Department is equipped with the latest technology such as Functional Electrical Stimulation, Partial Body Weight Supported Gait Training, Balance Training System, Semi Virtual Reality Movement Trainer, Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation, Electronic Tilt Table, Stair Activity Training Unit, Cerebral palsy Chair, Standing Frame, Various fine motor training gadgets, Play and activity learning gadgets to deliver international standard patient-centric care to the patients who need the paediatric rehabilitation services.
Our physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, orthotic and prosthetic specialist along with other health care professionals including medical specialists and developmental paediatrician works in close collaboration to provide patient-centric optimal care. Services are available for conditions like Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Disorders, Autism, Pre-maturity, Attention Deficit Disorder, Brain Injury, Specific Learning Disorders, Visual Perceptual Difficulties, Down’s syndrome, Feeding Problems, Hearing Impairment, Speech Delay, Multiple Disabilities, etc.
The Paediatric Rehabilitation team is internationally trained in various hands-on therapeutic approaches such as Neurodevelopmental Therapy/Bobath approach, Constraint-induced movement therapy, Mirror therapy, Sensory integration.
Women's Health Physiotherapy is specialising sub-speciality of physiotherapy that deals with the management of women's health issues such as bladder and bowel incontinence, pelvic floor disorders and physical conditions of the pre- and post-natal period. A women's health physiotherapist is specialised in treating and preventing various changes during and post pregnancy ranging from musculoskeletal pain, costochondritis, De Quervain’s, Carpal tunnel syndrome and post-delivery fitness including patient education.
The department is equipped with the latest technology such as EMG Triggered Stimulation of pelvic floor muscles, Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation, Vaginal Cones and weights for pelvic floor strengthening, to deliver international standard care to patients who need women's health physiotherapy services.
Our physiotherapist in Baner, Pune along with other health care professionals including medical specialists and gynaecologists works in close collaboration to provide patient-centric optimal care. Services are available for conditions like urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse, back pain, sciatica, and carpal tunnel pain during pregnancy. Treatment includes patient education, trimester-wise structured safe exercises program, postnatal physical conditioning program, Kegel exercises, device and EMG assisted pelvic floor strengthening etc.
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation in critical care and intensive care units deal with various pulmonary hygiene-related issues and mobility-related issues arising due to critical illness and mechanical ventilation. Patients in critical care areas such as a patient in organ transplant ICUs, cardiothoracic ICUs, and medical/surgical/neurosurgical/paediatric/neonatal ICUs often have compromised cardiopulmonary functions also, more susceptible to acquiring undesired negative effects of mechanical ventilation and decreased level of mobility (bed rest) which leads to prolonged stay and physical deconditioning.
Physiotherapy plays a significant role in the overall management of patients in critical care providing both prophylactic as well as therapeutic interventions. Cardiopulmonary physiotherapists also look after patients who are not under critical care but need expert rehabilitative care such as patients with COPD, pneumonia, and patients who have undergone abdominal or pulmonary surgery.
The department is equipped with the latest technology such as a Cough Assist Device, Acapella Vibratory PEP Therapy System, Respiratory Muscle Trainer device, NMS for prophylaxis of ICU-acquired neuromuscular weakness, Early Mobilization in Critical Care to deliver international standard care to the patients who need the cardiopulmonary physiotherapy services.
Our physiotherapist works in close collaboration with critical care doctors and other medical specialities to provide patient-centric optimal care. Cardiopulmonary physiotherapists are specially trained in an active cycle of breathing, chest physiotherapy, chest percussion/vibration, airway clearance technique, breathing exercises, aerobic exercises, and early mobilization. Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation aims to prevent and minimize impairments secondary to cardiac or pulmonary illnesses and improve the fitness & quality of life of the patient.
Customized rehab programmes which cover exercise schedules, patient education and lifestyle modifications are designed based on the needs and abilities of patients. Services are available for conditions like Post Myocardial infarction, Post CABG, Stable angina, Valvular heart diseases, At-risk cardiac patients, Obstructive/ restrictive airway diseases, etc.
Patients who are suffering from cancer need specialised rehabilitation services to cope with disability and impairment arising from chronic diseases. Also, secondary impairment after cancer-related surgeries and deconditioning is the key area where an oncological physiotherapist works upon.
The department is equipped with the latest technology such as Lymphapress (Pneumatic Compression unit), Multilayer bandaging for post-mastectomy lymphedema, Manual lymph Draining, Safe Pain-relieving modality, Orthotics and splinting, Cough assist device, Ora-Bite Jaw Stretcher System, Compression Stocking, Endurance Training to deliver international standard care to the patients who need the oncological physiotherapy services.
Orthopaedic Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
Neurological Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
Woven Health Physiotherapy
Paediatric Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Psychology
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy
Orthotics & Prosthetics
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