Insomnia: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Dr. Nagesh Dhadge
4 Min Read
Sep 26, 2024
Pulmonology is the study, diagnosis and treatment of lung and respiratory tract diseases. Pulmonology is a subspecialty of internal medicine. Respiratory Conditions are classified as either obstructive or restrictive. Obstructive conditions include Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), while restrictive conditions include Interstitial Lung Disease and Sarcoidosis and many more. In India, there is an increasing prevalence of respiratory disorders in adults and children due to environmental factors such as pollution, poor diet and lifestyle choices. In 2018, India had 18% of the world's population. However, it had a 32% share of global respiratory diseases. Pulmonologist specialises in treating diseases of the lungs. They treat patients with Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Lung Cancer.
Manipal Hospitals has the best Pulmonologist in Pune. Our experts are adept at treating critically ill patients with respiratory failure and chest injuries. We have the most advanced diagnostic facilities, sleep laboratory and equipment in the entire region. We have around-the-clock, proactive staff, a well-equipped respiratory ICU, and expert doctors adept at treating critically ill patients with respiratory failure and Chest Injuries. Our services include Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) Biopsy, Spirometry, FOT, DLCO (Diffusing capacity ) testing, Fibre Optic Bronchoscopy, Medical Thoracoscopy, Tracheal Stenting, Laser and Cryobiopsy, Foreign Body Extraction and skin prick allergy testing and sleep study (Polysomnography). We also have a dedicated zone to care for COVID-19 patients and help them recover from complications post-COVID-19.
Manipal Hospitals, Baner, is the best Pulmonology hospital in Pune. We treat the entire range of respiratory diseases, including:
Common Cold
A common cold is an infection of the respiratory tract. It causes the nasal passages to become congested and inflamed, resulting in a runny nose and sore throat. Other symptoms include a low-grade fever, headache, cough and muscle aches. Common colds result from one of 200 viruses affecting the upper respiratory tract. Some common strains include Rhinovirus, Coronavirus, Influenza A and B, and Adenoviruses. The virus may spread via direct contact with an infected person's saliva or mucus from their nose or mouth, sneezing, touching contaminated surfaces, or inhaling airborne droplets from an infected person's coughs or sneezes.
Pneumonia is a lung infection that results from a virus, bacteria, mycobacteria or fungus. Bacteria and viruses often cause it, but fungi can also cause it. The symptoms of Pneumonia include a cough that produces yellow or green mucus, difficulty breathing, chest pain or tightness, fever and chills. Pneumonia may also cause sweating or shivering as well as confusion or delirium. Contact the best Pulmonologist in Baner, Pune, immediately at Manipal Hospitals on experiencing any symptoms of Pneumonia.
COVID-19 is a respiratory virus that has shaken the world. It resulted from a bat-borne coronavirus, which can spread via air from one person to another. The illness can be mild or severe, depending on the person's immune system. Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. In some cases, it may lead to Pneumonia or other lung infections. People at risk for developing severe symptoms include those with underlying conditions like Asthma or COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Covid cases are still seen although in fewer numbers. However, patients having diseases of the immune system, cancer or comorbid conditions may suffer from severe COVID-19 despite vaccination. Vaccines are the best prevention, and treatments are available to help alleviate symptoms, such as antibiotics for Pneumonia or antivirals for severe cases of influenza-like illness.
Bronchiectasis is a chronic condition that causes the bronchi to become dilated and filled with mucus. Infections can cause the condition, but in many cases, it is an idiopathic condition with no known cause. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, chest pain, coughing blood, wheezing, fever, weight loss, and night sweats.
Bronchitis is a respiratory disease that causes bronchial inflammation, the tubes that carry air from the throat to the lungs. Bronchitis can result from infection or irritation. Common symptoms include coughing, chest pain, and difficulty breathing.
Influenza, or flu, is a viral infection affecting the respiratory system and can cause fever, muscle aches, headache, sore throat and cough. The flu symptoms are similar to the common cold and may last a few days. There are many strains of each type of virus, which are constantly changing. Seasonal variations in flu cases every year are seen throughout. The best way to prevent influenza is through vaccination each year before flu season.
Tuberculosis (TB)
Tuberculosis affects the lungs when a germ called Mycobacterium Tuberculosis spreads through the air, usually when a person with TB coughs, sneezes or speaks. Tuberculosis can affect the ability to breathe and cause a persistent cough with phlegm (mucus), fever and weight loss. The most common form of Tuberculosis is Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI), which occurs with exposure to someone with TB but does not show symptoms. Treatment for TB depends on the body's type of TB bacteria and how advanced it is.
Asthma is a chronic disease characterised by inflammation of the airways. An overreaction of the body's immune system to specific triggers, such as pollen, mould, and pets, may cause Asthma. The symptoms include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. Symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the attack. The asthma treatment depends on its severity and how often it occurs. Generally, there are two ways to treat Asthma: preventative and acute care. Preventative care may include taking daily medication that prevents symptoms from worsening and other measures to reduce exposure to allergens or irritants that trigger asthma attacks. Acute care refers to treating an asthma attack once it has started by using quick-relief medications.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) causes shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing. COPD can get complicated by can also cause lung infections, making it hard to exercise and difficulty breathing when exhaling. Treatment depends on how severe the symptoms are. The doctor may prescribe medicine to help open the airways to breathe better and prevent lung infections. Oxygen therapy helps in severe shortness of breath or trouble breathing out completely when blood oxygen drops below a critical level. exhaling (called Hypercapnia). Other treatments include inhaled Bronchodilators, which open the airways by relaxing muscles around them, inhaled steroids for inflammation, and anticholinergics for mucus production. Antibiotics if an infection develops, and specialized surgery to remove abnormal parts of the lung blockages in the airway.
Emphysema is a chronic lung disease where the lungs are damaged, which makes it difficult to breathe. Emphysema damages the air sacs in the lungs and makes them lose elasticity. The walls of the air sacs weaken and collapse on inhaling. As a result, less oxygen enters the blood, and more carbon dioxide accumulates in the blood. leaves it. The symptoms include shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing, tightness in the chest or throat, and fatigue. Emphysema can also cause dizziness, fainting spells, and heart failure. Treatment for Emphysema includes oxygen therapy and medications that help improve breathing capacity by relaxing muscles around the lungs or decreasing inflammation. Doctors may recommend surgery if other treatments fail to improve symptoms or quality of life.
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) causes your throat to partially or wholly close while sleeping, leading to interrupted breathing. The muscles in the throat relax and block the airway sometimes leading to choking, causing a struggle to breathe. The symptoms of OSA include snoring and pauses in breathing during sleep (called Obstructive Apnoeas). The patient may also experience morning headaches, dry mouth, sore throat, excessive daytime tiredness and poor concentration. Treatment for OSA includes losing weight and avoiding alcohol. If those measures do not work, the doctor may recommend surgery.
Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary hypertension is when the blood pressure in the lungs' arteries is higher than usual, causing shortness of breath, chest pain, and fainting. The condition may be congenital (present at birth) or acquired. Congenital pulmonary hypertension occurs when defects in the heart's right side or large blood vessels lead to the lungs. Acquired pulmonary hypertension usually results from Chronic Lung Disease and Heart Failure. Treatment for pulmonary hypertension may include medications, oxygen therapy, and surgery.
Occupational Lung Diseases
Occupational lung diseases are a group of illnesses that develop due to exposure to workplace hazards. These may include dust, fumes, gases, and other irritants. Occupational lung diseases result from exposure to toxic substances or the inhalation of airborne pathogens. Occupational asthma is the most common occupational lung disease. The most common causes are Silicosis and Tuberculosis (TB),. Other lung diseases include Pneumoconiosis and Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis are other such diseases. The symptoms of occupational lung disease vary depending on the type and severity of the illness. They can range from mild chest tightness or wheezing to difficulty breathing or coughing blood.
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease causing the body to produce abnormally thick mucus. This mucus builds up in the lungs and other organs, which can lead to life-threatening infections. The symptoms include frequent lung infections, salty-tasting skin, and poor growth. Treatment for CF involves inhaled antibiotics and inhaled drugs that open up the airways by relaxing muscle tissues around them. This is not commonly seen in our country.
Lung Cancer
Lung cancer starts in the lungs. It can also spread to other body areas, including the lymph nodes and bones. Lung cancer is becoming common but is also one of the most treatable. Unfortunately due to initial mild disease, it goes undetected for a long time. The symptoms include coughing up blood, shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss and coughing up mucus. The symptoms may not be noticeable initially because they are similar to those caused by other health problems like Asthma or Bronchitis. Early detection is essential to the treatment of lung cancer. At Manipal Hospitals, we offer the screening and best lung cancer treatment in Baner, Pune.
Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) allows physicians to visualise the inside of the lungs and surrounding structures using a bronchoscope, inserted into the mouth and threaded through the airways until it reaches the lungs. A probe on the end of the Bronchoscope sends sound waves that bounce off lung structures. This information creates an image of these structures. EBUS has many applications in medicine, including diagnosing respiratory illnesses such as lung cancer and Tuberculosis and infections like Pneumonia.
The lung biopsy is a diagnostic procedure involving removing a tissue sample from the lung or another organ to examine it under a microscope. A biopsy can diagnose respiratory illnesses such as Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and lung cancer. The procedure involves inserting a long needle through the skin and the affected organ. The doctor will use CT scans, X-rays or ultrasounds to guide them toward the correct location on the organ's surface to remove a tiny tissue from that area for further testing.
Fibre Optic Bronchoscopy uses a thin, flexible Bronchoscope to examine the lungs' airways. The Bronchoscope has a tiny camera on the tip that transmits images to a monitor and allows the doctor to see inside the chest, allowing them to look for signs of infection, inflammation or tumours. Fibre Optic Bronchoscopy diagnoses respiratory illnesses such as Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It can also remove foreign objects from the airways, such as small stones or food particles lodged there. Manipal Baner Hospital has a thin bronchoscope to look deeper into breathing tubes.
Medical Thoracoscopy allows a doctor to see inside the chest cavity. It diagnoses respiratory illnesses, such as Pneumonia, and removes foreign objects from the lungs. The procedure is done under general anaesthesia and involves making two small incisions in the chest wall, one over each lung. A fibre optic or rigid tube with a camera on one end is inserted through one of these incisions and into the chest cavity. The doctor can then insert instruments through other tubes attached to this one and perform procedures inside the chest cavity without making any additional cuts in the skin.
Tracheal Stenting involves the placement of a stent in the trachea, or windpipe, to help open it up and allow air to pass through more easily. Doctors recommend Tracheal Stenting when there is an obstruction or narrowing in the trachea due to fluid or mucus buildup. It can also treat other conditions, such as Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
Laser and Cryobiopsy use a laser to treat respiratory illnesses. The laser treats the lung area where mucus and other waste products have accumulated. It can also destroy scar tissue that restricts airflow into and out of the lungs. A surgeon inserts a laser into the patient's body through an incision in the chest wall. It can vaporise (burn) areas of mucus buildup or scar tissue. Cryobiopsy differs from laser treatment because it uses liquid nitrogen rather than a laser beam to freeze and destroy diseased tissue. It is typically used on small areas of the body, such as the thyroid or prostate gland because it freezes tissue much faster than laser treatments. Cryobiopsy also has less risk for collateral damage since it does not use heat as lasers do, so there is no chance of burning surrounding tissues during treatment.
A foreign body is a substance introduced into the respiratory tract, including the nose, throat, windpipe, lungs, or sinuses. Most foreign bodies pass through the airways independently and do not cause symptoms. However, if not removed, they can cause discomfort and lead to other problems, such as lung infections. Foreign Body Extraction removes foreign bodies, such as food or small toys, from patients' throats and nasal passages. The initial step involves using an endoscope to examine the object's location. It can be removed with suction or forceps if it is visible on X-rays or CT Scans. If not visible, a surgeon may make an incision to remove it from inside the body.
The lungs are the organs that allow us to breathe. They expand and contract while absorbing oxygen from the air and releasing carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere during exhalation. The lungs also protect our bodies from infections by filtering out foreign particles from the air we breathe.
Here are some tips to prevent respiratory tract diseases:
The respiratory system comprises the lungs and the structures that supply air, such as the nose, mouth, pharynx and larynx. The millions of tiny air sacs in the lungs are called Alveoli. These air sacs have walls made up of tissue that is highly permeable to oxygen, which means that oxygen can easily pass through them into the blood vessels within the lung tissue.
It is possible to treat lung cancer completely, but it depends on the cancer stage. Suppose the cancer is detected in its early stages and has not spread to other body parts. In that case, surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy can treat lung cancer. These treatments have high cure rates for early-stage lung cancer. If cancer has spread to other body parts, it will likely be harder to treat successfully.