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Diabetes is a common health concern affecting all age groups across the world. According to WHO reports, 77 million people above the age of 18 in India suffer from type 2 diabetes, with an additional 25 million individuals at risk of developing diabetes in the future. Type 2 diabetes, characterised by high blood sugar levels resulting from the dysfunctional pancreas or insulin resistance, is the most prevalent type of diabetes.
Diabetes is typically a chronic disorder that requires lifetime care, including medications and lifestyle modifications. When blood sugar levels are not controlled effectively, diabetes patients tend to develop serious complications such as heart disease, nerve damage, and eye issues. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are crucial to reducing the burden of significant morbidity and mortality associated with diabetes. Diabetes treatment in Bhubaneswar employs several treatment strategies to manage the condition effectively, enabling individuals to lead healthy lives free of complications.
For most patients with diabetes, a fasting blood sugar of 70–130 mg/dl is considered ideal. One to two hours after eating, you must have post-prandial blood sugar at or below 180 mg/dl.
Common diabetes types are:
Type 2 diabetes: An inability of the pancreas to develop enough insulin or inefficient utilisation of the insulin by the body causes this condition.
Gestational diabetes: Pregnancy causes the development of this kind of diabetes, which often disappears after the baby is born. However, the mother can develop type 2 diabetes later in life.
Prediabetes: Individuals with diabetes levels higher than normal but not enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are classified as prediabetics.
All diabetes types exhibit similar symptoms, such as:
Increased thirst
Weakness and fatigue
Unexplained weight loss
Tingling sensation in the hands and feet
Delayed healing of wounds or frequent infections
Blurred vision
Dry and itchy skin
Recognising these symptoms early can help manage diabetes efficiently.
Type 1 diabetes develops in individuals with a genetic predisposition for the disease or who have been subjected to an environmental trigger (viral infections or adverse effects on the immune system). As a result, the damaged immune system makes antibodies against insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, causing insulin production to slow or completely stop.
The best method is to take precautions to prevent a high spike in blood sugar levels. This can be achieved by avoiding a high-carbohydrate diet. But if the blood sugar levels have spiked high, you can lower them by walking for at least half an hour, drinking more water, or taking a hot water bath.
If you have higher blood sugar levels than the normal range, you must be concerned, as diabetes is a progressive disease. Even if it does not cause short-term complications, it can impact your overall health. The impact on health will be gradually evident and may even be fatal in the long run.
The need for insulin injections depends on several factors, including the time of disease diagnosis. If type 2 diabetes is diagnosed at an early stage and managed effectively over the years, the pancreas may produce enough insulin for a long time. However, individuals with long-term or uncontrolled diabetes require insulin.
Diabetic patients must be careful about their intake of sugar; however, it is not necessary to eliminate sugar from their diet. Even though sugar does not directly contribute to diabetes development, it contains high-calorie levels, which could cause weight gain, therefore worsening diabetes. Hence, doctors advise patients to limit their consumption of foods and drinks containing added sugar.
You can follow these measures:
Exercise 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes.
Have more fibre-rich foods.
Avoid a high-calorie diet
Yoga or meditation can help manage your stress levels.
The response to diabetic medications can vary between individuals. Ideally, after taking medicines, your blood sugar levels have to be reduced, but that may not be the case for all patients. Therefore, medicine alone may not be effective in lowering your blood sugar levels; you must also consume a proper diet and follow an exercise regimen.
No, once you are diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you will have it for life. Individuals diagnosed with early-stage type 2 diabetes or prediabetes can put their condition into remission when diagnosed at an early stage. However, the disease can reoccur if there is significant weight gain, with ageing, and as a natural progression of the disease. You must remember that restricting your carbohydrate intake or diet does not help with diabetes reversal.
To stay at the top of your health, eat healthy, be physically active, and take the prescribed medications. Also, undergo the required tests and check-ups to detect the complications early.
High blood sugar levels can damage several organs within the body, especially the heart, kidneys, eyes, and feet. Therefore, individuals diagnosed with diabetes must take the necessary measures to control their blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Managing your blood sugar levels can reduce your risk of developing a heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, hearing impairment, or gangrene. Additionally, having diabetes may lead to psychological issues such as stress and depression, which are often overlooked.