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Gastrointestinal Surgery refers to the procedures and treatments doctors use to address problems with the oesophagus, stomach, and bowels. When lifestyle changes and medicinal treatments are not enough, surgery may be required.
Surgery can be done to remove an intestine or other damaged part of the body, as well as cancerous or noncancerous growths. It can also be used to fix issues like hernias, which are holes or weak spots in the abdominal wall. Digestive system disorders are screened for and diagnosed using minor surgical procedures.
Below are some of the few common surgeries that fall under Gastrointestinal Surgery:
Colon cancers and other intestine cancers
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
Hiatal hernia
Gallbladder disease
Rectal prolapse
With our expert lineup of general surgeons, we offer you the best gastrointestinal treatment in Bhubaneswar.
The digestive tract in your body is also known as the GI tract. It is made up of multiple tube-like organs that are connected. It begins in the mouth at the oesophagus and ends at the anus.
The following is a list of organs that encompass or make up the GI tract.
Large intestine
Small intestine
Your physician decides what type of surgery is required for you, depending on your overall health condition. Generally, there are two methods used to do Gastrointestinal Surgeries:
Minimally Invasive Procedures
Open Surgery
Minimally Invasive Surgery has transformed the field of surgery and is now the norm in many nations worldwide. Reduced pain, a shorter hospital stay, and a quicker recovery period have all been noted as advantages of Open Surgery. Specifically, Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery were first adopted in the field of Gastrointestinal Surgery.
Some of the common types of surgeries are:
Colon and Rectal Surgeries
Hiatal hernia
Pancreatic Surgery
Retroperitoneum Surgery
Bariatric Surgery
This innovative surgery is much better than conventional open procedures due to:
Reduced pain and blood loss
Smaller wounds
Reduced infection risks
Speedier recovery times and shorter hospital stays
Gastrointestinal Surgeries are classified into 2 types:
Upper-gastrointestinal Surgery
Lower gastrointestinal Surgery
Upper-gastrointestinal Surgery:
The term "upper gastrointestinal surgery" describes a branch of surgery that focuses on the gastrointestinal tract's upper segments. This covers the stomach, duodenum, pancreas, oesophagus, liver, and gallbladder. If you exhibit symptoms like heartburn, refluxing acid, bloating, abdominal pain, or difficulty swallowing, visit Manipal Hospitals in Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Lower-gastrointestinal Surgery:
The lower gastrointestinal tract is the main target of lower GI surgery. This encompasses the colon, rectum, anus, and small intestine. Each of these gut sections has distinct symptoms and treatments for diseases that affect it. Therefore, whenever you sense something is off or have a new problem, it is always necessary to get proper guidance. Investigating any new rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, altered bowel habits, or unexplained weight loss right away is advised. An immediate professional evaluation is also necessary for any new swelling or lump.
There are dangers associated with any surgery, such as:
Pain: Depending on the surgery, there may be soreness and pain during recovery
Infection: Infections can enter the body at any time when the surgical wound is open. Even while surgeons make great efforts to maintain sterility and cleanliness during surgery, infections can still occur
Damage to different body parts: A healthy body part can be accidentally damaged during surgery
Reaction to anaesthesia: Some people have poor anaesthesia reactions, which might result in nausea and vomiting
Bleeding and blood clots: Sometimes cuts from surgery continue to bleed, which can make the recovery period longer. Rarely, the body forms a blood clot where the surgery was done, and the clot blocks an important blood vessel to the lungs, heart, or brain
While certain GI symptoms are readily managed, others may be fatal and require immediate medical attention. Certain individuals require surgery as emergency care; however, specific treatment plans differ based on the patient's condition. The following are a few signs of gastrointestinal disorders:
Nausea and vomiting
Abdominal pain
Weight gain and weight loss
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