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When the cancer starts in the uterus, it is called uterine cancer. Uterine cancer is one of two types; endometrial cancer, the most commonly found, and the second is uterine sarcoma, a rare type of cancer. People often consider endometrial cancer as uterine cancer; this is because endometrial cancer makes up 95% of all cases of uterine cancer. The foremost reason for this cancer is a hormone imbalance with high levels of oestrogen. Treatment includes surgery, where the entire uterus is removed. Other treatment options include radiation and additional therapeutic approaches. This cancer is curable when detected in its early stages. Visit our expert surgical oncologists in Bhubaneswar for the best uterine cancer surgery in Bhubaneswar.
Uterine cancer is treatable in many ways, depending on the severity of your cancer. The treatments usually include surgery, Radiation Therapy, Targeted Therapy, and Chemotherapy, followed by some preventive actions.
Surgery: The entire cancer tissue is removed, which is one of the most effective ways of treating uterine cancer, and it also prevents the spread of cancer cells in the rest of your body.
Radiation Therapy: X-rays are used to kill cancer cells.
Targeted Therapy: This type of treatment involves slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells to prevent their spread to the rest of your body. These drugs can be in the form of pills or other forms of medication that are given in your veins.
Chemotherapy: It is given before the surgery to shrink the cancer. It also helps to prevent the recurrence of uterine cancer.
Unusual vaginal discharge that is different from your normal bleeding. This unusual bleeding is seen after menopause.
Irregular periods.
Changes in the flow of your periods —-you may feel vaginal pain during your periods.
Unexplained weight loss.
Severe abdominal pain.
Difficulty urinating during bowel movements.
Tests to diagnose uterine cancer include the following:
Physical examination: In a physical examination, a doctor will check your abdomen for any kind of swelling and its normal function. After this, for a uterus examination, the doctor will place two fingers inside your vagina to reach the uterus while pressing your abdomen. This way, the doctor will examine whether the uterus is in normal function or abnormal.
Ultrasound of your abdomen: The patient needs to have a full bladder to get good pictures of the uterus and ovaries for examination. Similarly, there is a transvaginal ultrasound. Here, you do not need to have a full bladder. A sonographer will insert a transducer wand into your vagina. You may find this process uncomfortable, but it will not be painful.
Endometrial Biopsy: The process is a little painful. The doctor will advise you to take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as ibuprofen, before this test. Here, a small piece of endometrial tissue is removed, and it is examined under a microscope. This process takes less than fifteen minutes, which might be a little painful.
Yes, there is a genetic link to endometrial cancer. Bloodlines with Lynch syndrome show a higher risk of developing endometrial cancer. Lynch syndrome is caused by a defect in the MLH1 or MLH2 gene. These genes get mutated, interfere with cell growth, and damage the DNA. This leads to a high risk of endometrial cancer.
Uterine cancer is divided into four stages:
Stage 1 cancer is limited to the uterus only and can be cured.
Stage 2 uterine cancer is present in the uterus and has spread to the cervix region.
Stage 3 uterine cancer spreads to the ovaries, vagina, and lymph nodes too.
Stage 4 uterine cancer spreads to the urinary bladder, rectum, or related organs like the lungs and bones.
To remove the entire affected part, a common surgery known as a Hysterectomy is performed. Here, depending on the severity of the cancer, the surgeon will perform either a simple Hysterectomy, where the entire uterus is removed, or a Radical Surgery, where, along with the uterus and cervix, the upper part of the vagina and its surrounding tissues are removed.
Yes, about 90% of women with uterine cancer face abnormal bleeding. There might be changes in periods, blood flow, and even bleeding after menopause.
For the majority of patients, stage 1 uterine cancer is curable with surgery alone. This treatment may require additional therapeutic methods in specified situations.
To find out if your uterine cancer has spread within the uterus or different parts of your body, the following procedures are done:
Pelvic examination
Chest X-ray
CT scan
PET scan
Lymph node dissection
The treatment for uterine cancer includes radiation and surgery that affect the womb and your fertility. As a result, you may not be able to get pregnant, as you may need cancer drug treatments. In this critical condition, you need to consult your doctor. If your treatment is successful, there is hope for a pregnancy.
If a patient does not want surgery, the doctor will prescribe Radiation Therapy. This includes Radiation Therapy directed towards the entire pelvis or applied to the vaginal cavity. This is called Vaginal Brachytherapy.
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