Interventional Radiology Hospital in Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Interventional Radiology Hospital in Bhubaneswar, Odisha | Manipal Hospitals

Interventional Radiology

Interventional Radiology Hospital in Bhubaneswar, Odisha

When faced with indications of vascular blockages, Manipal Hospitals Bhubaneswar's Interventional Radiology department employs top radiologists in Bhubaneshwar who utilise image-guided tools to perform procedures such as angioplasty or embolisation. These interventions are customised to individual needs, aiming to minimise scars and maximise results. At Manipal Hospitals Bhubanehawr, carefully selected doctors approach a multidisciplinary way to come up with the best treatment plan for you. The interventional Radiology department intervenes to reduce the cost or recovery time of traditional surgical procedures. Beyond the technical aspects, we prioritise open communication, providing information and support to dispel worries of uncertainties. A successful procedure is considered a positive outcome in your health journey, representing a significant improvement in your overall well-being. Manipal Hospitals Bhubaneshwar acknowledges and celebrates each milestone, guiding patients with unwavering dedication, ensuring the resumption of life's normal flow, stronger than ever. Trust us to oversee your recovery, one meticulous intervention at a time.

Interventional Radiology Hospital in Bhubaneswar, Odisha


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

We at Manipal hospital have a group of committed and dedicated interventional radiologists with vast expertise in this field. Our interventional radiologists collaborate with a multidisciplinary team of doctors and have performed several minimally invasive procedures with excellent outcomes over several years. We are part of large multidisciplinary groups in our hospitals, continuously improving patient care and outcomes. We use advanced and innovative technology to perform various interventional radiology procedures to provide world-class, patient-centric, comprehensive care.

Treatment & Procedures

Biopsy And Drainages

Interventional radiologists use image guidance (ultrasound, CT scan, etc) for the extraction of tissue samples from tumours, drainage of fluids collections.

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Obstetrics And Gynaecology (OBG)…

Uterine artery embolization for treating fibroids: This is a well established, safe and effective procedure for women with fibroids who wish to retain their uterus.Embolization for post-partum haemorrhage (PPH): This is performed as a life-saving procedure in women with heavy bleeding following delivery.

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Interventional Radiology Hospital in Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Treatments and Procedures

  • Interventional Oncology 

  • Nephrology 

  • Gastrointestinal Interventions 

  • Pulmonary Interventions

  • Urological Interventions 

  • Biopsy, Drainages & Miscellaneous  

  • Embolisation 

  • Venus/Arterial Interventions

  • Vascular/Arterial Interventions 

Interventional Radiology Hospital in Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Explore advanced interventional radiology services at Manipal Hospitals in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Our skilled team offers minimally invasive procedures for precise diagnosis and treatment. Schedule a consultation today.