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The Fibroid Clinic provides comprehensive care and cutting-edge treatment options, offering hope for women grappling with fibroid-related challenges. A multidisciplinary team of surgeons, radiologists, and gynaecologists collaborate at the Fibroid Clinic to devise tailored treatment plans. Fibroid clinics specialise in addressing fibroids, which are abnormal growths that develop on or within the uterus in women. These tumours can sometimes grow quite large, leading to severe stomach pain and heavy menstrual bleeding. However, most of the time, these growths are benign or noncancerous. Treatment options for fibroids vary depending on factors such as size, symptoms, and patient preference. They may include medication, surgical removal (myomectomy), or minimally invasive procedures such as uterine artery embolisation or MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery. With the best obstetrician doctors, we offer you the best doctors for fibroids treatment in Bhubaneswar.
A fibroid clinic team typically includes Gynaecologists specialising in reproductive health, Radiologists for imaging diagnostics, nurses for patient care, and sometimes Nutritionists or counsellors. They collaborate to diagnose, treat, and provide support for individuals with fibroids.
Leiomyomas, also known as uterine fibroids, are growths composed of muscle and tissue that develop within or on the uterine wall. These growths are the most prevalent noncancerous tumour in women and individuals assigned female at birth, and they are typically not malignant (benign). Uterine fibroids can cause a variety of symptoms, such as pain and heavy, irregular vaginal bleeding. In certain cases, a person with fibroids may not exhibit any symptoms. Usually, fibroids are treated based on your symptoms.
Uterine fibroids can be classified into many categories based on their location and mode of attachment to the uterus. Particular varieties of uterine fibroids consist of:
Intramural fibroids: These tumours are embedded within the muscular wall of the uterus, making them the most common type.
Submucosal fibroids: These tumours develop beneath the uterine lining.
Subserosal fibroids: These tumours develop beneath the uterine lining that covers the outside. They may enlarge considerably and extend into your pelvis.
Pedunculated fibroids: The least common type, these fibroids have a stalk or stem that connects to your uterus. Because of their stalks and broader tops, they are often likened to mushrooms.
Usually, smaller fibroids don't exhibit the same symptoms as larger ones, such as:
Severe or excessive bleeding during menstruation.
Bleeding from one period to the next.
Bloating or a sensation of fullness in your lower abdomen.
Frequently needing to urinate (this may occur when a fibroid presses against your bladder).
Discomfort during intercourse.
Lower back discomfort.
Experiencing pressure in your rectum or constipation.
Prolonged (chronic) discharge from the vagina.
Being unable to empty your bladder or urinate.
Enlarged or increased distention in the abdomen gives the appearance of pregnancy.
Numerous risk factors impact the likelihood of developing fibroids. These may consist of:
Obesity and a greater BMI
Fibroids run in the family
Early menstrual onset, or starting your period early in life
Advanced menopause age
The majority of uterine fibroids do not result in major issues. But the most typical side effects of fibroids are:
Pain that is too great to handle
Swelling in the pelvis or abdominal region
Excessive loss of blood
Infertility (an uncommon occurrence)
The course of treatment for uterine fibroids can change based on the size, quantity, and location of the fibroids, as well as the symptoms they are generating. Several variables will affect your treatment plan, such as:
Number of fibroids in your body
How big are your fibroids?
Where the fibroids are situated on you
Which of your symptoms are associated with fibroids?
Your wish is to maintain your uterus
Your plans for pregnancy will also determine which course of treatment is best for you. When talking about treatment alternatives, discuss your fertility objectives with your healthcare professional. Options for uterine fibroids treatment include:
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRHa): These are used to shrink fibroids temporarily
Hormonal contraceptives: These are used to control menstrual bleeding and relieve symptoms
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): These are used to relieve pain.
Oral therapies: Tranexamic acid is used to lessen heavy menstrual bleeding that is linked to fibroids
Among the surgical procedures for fibroids are:
Myomectomy: For women who hope to become fertile in the future, this procedure removes fibroids surgically while leaving the uterus intact
Hysterectomy: The removal of the uterus is frequently performed in cases of severe symptoms or when fertility is unaffected
Uterine artery embolisation (UAE): A minimally invasive technique that shrinks fibroids by preventing blood supply to them
Focused ultrasound surgery (FUS) with MRI guidance: This is a non-invasive procedure to ablate fibroids using high-intensity ultrasound waves
Endometrial ablation: This is a procedure to remove the uterine lining, which can sometimes relieve fibroid symptoms and lessen menstrual bleeding
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