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Foetal heart rate and response to movement are measured during a nonstress test (also known as a foetal nonstress test or NST). To ensure the foetus is healthy and receiving enough oxygen, your healthcare provider will do a nonstress test. It is painless and harmless, and it gets its name because neither you nor the foetus experience any stress.
A healthcare provider monitors the foetus's heart rate as it moves during an NST. The heart rate should increase when the foetus moves or kicks, similar to how it increases when you exercise.
It doesn't always indicate something is wrong if the foetus' heart rate remains constant or doesn't respond to movement. However, it could also be a sign that the foetus isn't getting enough oxygen. Your pregnancy care provider uses the results of a nonstress test to determine whether more testing is required or whether inducing labour is necessary. With the best obstetrician doctors, we offer you the best NST test in Bhubaneswar.
Nonstress tests are not necessary for everyone. To assess the health of the foetus, your pregnancy care provider prescribes a nonstress test. They might do this for several reasons, such as:
You’re past your due date: Once your pregnancy has gone over 40 weeks, you are past due. Even in cases where your pregnancy is safe and low-risk, going past your due date might lead to complications.
Your pregnancy is at high risk: Your healthcare provider monitors you carefully to see if you are prone to high-risk chronic medical conditions like diabetes and hypertension.
If the foetus isn't moving normally: If foetus movements are not as per regular norms, then your healthcare provider will order an NST.
The foetus measures small for its gestational age: Your doctor may request an NST earlier in your pregnancy if they think the foetus isn't developing normally.
You’re expecting more than one child: If you are expecting more than one child, such as twins or triplets, you have more complications during the pregnancy.
You are Rh-negative. If the foetus is Rh-positive, your body will make antibodies against their blood. This can cause serious complications.
After 28 weeks of pregnancy, a nonstress test is usually performed. The foetal heart rate begins responding to movement at this point. In addition, when your pregnancy care provider determines that it's important to monitor the foetus' health, they will order an NST.
One prenatal screening technique to evaluate the foetus' health is the Non-Stress Test (NST). It entails examining both uterine contractions and the foetal heart rate. Usually, the process takes twenty to thirty minutes. A foetal heart rate monitor is fixed over the mother’s belly to track the fluctuations in the foetus's heart rate as it moves. Foetal heart rate accelerations are a sign of health for the foetus when they occur, but their absence could signify problems. Maternal vital signs are also observed during the test. In the third trimester, NST is frequently carried out, particularly in high-risk pregnancies, to check on the health of the foetus and look for any signs of distress that might call for additional testing or treatment.
When assessing the welfare of the foetus in patients experiencing acute events like evolving placental abruption and cord prolapse, the non-stress test does not help forecast the result. Such acute episodes necessitate a timely clinical assessment and the appropriate delivery of the foetus.
Your outcome may be either reactive or non-reactive.
Reactive: An NST is comforting or responsive when the heart rate of the foetus quickens (increases) during movement or a contraction. This indicates that movement affects the foetal heart rate. It must react twice over the 20-minute testing period to produce a reactive result.
Non-reactive: When the foetus doesn't move at all or its heart rate doesn't rise with movement, an NST is considered non-reactive. The reason the foetus wasn't active during the nonstress test may be ascertained with further testing. It can indicate that the foetus isn't getting enough oxygen or is very drowsy. The medications you take may potentially cause non-reactive results. It is critical to keep in mind that a nonreactive nonstress test does not indicate a problem. It indicates insufficient data and may indicate the need for additional testing.
It is normal and doesn't indicate an issue if the foetus is not moving. It can be sleeping or simply not being cooperative that particular day. Your pregnancy care provider could use a buzzing gadget to rouse the foetus and get it moving. Additionally, as sugar can help it wake up, you might be given a sweet drink or snack.
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