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A Low Anterior Resection (LAR) is a surgical procedure in which the sigmoid colon and most of the rectum are removed, and the remaining rectum is connected to the end of the colon. The attachment known as "Anastomosis" is accomplished during the laparoscopic procedure by securing the colon and rectum with stitches or staples. The purpose of this laparoscopic surgery is to remove the cancerous part from the rectum completely.
A Laparoscopic Ileostomy is a procedure in which a portion of the small intestine is redirected through the abdominal wall to establish a stoma (a hole). The waste materials from the body exit through this stoma instead of the anus. A pouch is attached to the stoma for the collection of waste materials.
Manipal Hospitals, Bhubaneswar, has a team of experienced healthcare professionals proficient in employing the latest technologies to improve patient treatment outcomes.
Consult our surgical gastroenterologists if you need Laparoscopic Low Anterior Resection and Ileostomy in Bhubaneswar.
Patients with rectal cancer should consider Laparoscopic Anterior Resection, especially if the tumour is situated in the upper or mid-rectum. Patients with large or numerous polyps in the lower sigmoid colon or rectum may also benefit from this surgery. In addition, people who prefer minimally invasive surgery and meet the eligibility requirements based on their general health, the size of the tumour, and the stage of their cancer are considered.
Before undergoing a Lap LAR surgery, your healthcare provider thoroughly evaluates the patient's medical condition and orders the patient to perform some blood tests, CT scans, and a Colonoscopy to evaluate the extent and size of the tumour. Additionally, to ensure a clear surgical field, they could go through preparatory procedures like colon cleansing. Furthermore, patients might be provided with counselling and education regarding the procedure, possible dangers, advantages, and aftercare.
There are two methods for performing Anterior Resection: open surgery and minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. The type of surgery will be decided by the surgeon based on the patient's overall health.
The surgical steps for Lap LAR are as follows:
The patient will be placed on the operating table with general anaesthesia administered.
To avoid infection both before and after the procedure, you will receive intravenous antibiotics.
In addition, drugs like heparin may be administered to prevent blood clots.
Then the surgeon makes tiny incisions, each about four to five centimetres long, in the centre of the lower abdomen.
Through one of the incisions, the laparoscope—a small tube with a camera attached to one end—is inserted.
Your surgeon inserts the surgical instruments through the other incisions.
To remove the rectum and corresponding lymph nodes, one of the incisions is made slightly longer.
The laparoscope is taken out, and the incisions are closed after the cancerous mass is removed.
LAR Surgery carries several risks and challenges, just like any other surgical operation. Among them are:
Infection at the surgical site
Blood clots forming in your lungs (pulmonary embolism) or legs (deep vein thrombosis)
Injury to the adjacent organs like the ureter, bladder, and small intestine
Urinary difficulties and bowel control issues during the first several weeks following surgery
Leak from the anastomosis: the point where your colon has been bound securely
There are 3 different types of surgeries:
Standard Ileostomy: This is the most common kind of surgery. The end of the small intestine is attached to the outside skin after having been pulled through the lower right portion of your abdomen. Wearing a bag allows you to always gather stool that enters via the opening.
Continent Ileostomy: This kind does not require you to wear a pouch. Your doctor will instead make a little pouch at the end of your small intestine. A catheter, which is a tiny tube, can be inserted through a valve in the pouch. To drain waste, you perform this multiple times a day.
Ileo-anal Reservoir: This is also referred to as a pelvic pouch or J-pouch. Your doctor forms a pouch out of the rectum and small intestine. To store waste, they attach the pouch to the anus. The stool can then exit the pouch by passing via the anus.
An Ileostomy is typically performed in a hospital under general anaesthesia. Your surgeon will use smaller incisions and illuminated instruments to perform the laparoscopic procedure. Depending on your overall condition, your surgeon may need to remove your colon and rectum. For a standard Ileostomy, the surgeon creates the ileostomy site through a small incision. A loop of your ileum is then pulled through this incision, exposing the inner surface of the intestine, which appears pink and velvety, similar to the inside of the cheek. The protruding section is called a stoma, which may extend up to two inches. In this type of Ileostomy, known as a Brooke Ileostomy, there is no voluntary control over when faecal waste exits into an external plastic pouch.
In most procedures, the pros and cons are evaluated. Each person's situation is different. Ileostomies have been linked to the following risks:
Bleeding from the stoma or within the small intestine
Harm to the organs nearby
Infection (pouchitis)
Inadequate absorption of nutrients from the diet
Intestine obstruction brought on by scar tissue
After the procedure, most patients stay in the hospital for an average of four to seven days. However, the duration of your hospital stay is typically determined by the reason for your Ileostomy. After an Ileostomy, a full recovery could take up to two months. You'll be limited in what you can consume during this period as the small intestine recovers.
If the Ileostomy is only temporary, after the small intestine has healed, you may require a reversal or a closure procedure. This often occurs three months following the ileostomy's healing.
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