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A Small Bowel Resection is a surgical procedure that involves removing a portion of the small intestine. It is performed when part of the small bowel is obstructed or diseased. This procedure is often indicated to treat a stricture, which is a narrowing of the intestine caused by inflammation and thickening of the gut wall due to Crohn's disease. Untreated strictures can lead to bowel obstructions, preventing the passage of stool. The surgery is also necessary if a perforation, or hole, occurs in the wall of the small intestine. Perforations can result from a weakened gut wall due to inflammation and can lead to serious infections that require immediate treatment.
Small bowel resection surgery in Bhubaneswar can be performed using either open surgery or minimally invasive techniques like laparoscopy, depending on the patient's condition and the extent of the disease. With appropriate care, many patients can return to normal activities, although some may need ongoing treatment for underlying conditions.
A Bowel Resection is performed to:
The effects of a Bowel Resection are usually transient. The type of Bowel Resection performed and your overall health will determine the extent of any adverse effects you may experience. Side effects of intestinal resection include:
The surgery can be done using open surgery or minimally invasive techniques like laparoscopy. The diseased portion of the intestine is removed, and the remaining healthy ends are reconnected, a procedure known as anastomosis.
You will need to stay in the hospital for a few days. You will be given painkillers to keep you comfortable. You will be given clear fluids for one to two days after surgery. Solid foods will be introduced gently. You may be referred to an oncologist. if a Bowel Resection was performed to remove cancer. If you have a Colostomy or an Ileostomy, a WOC (wound, ostomy, and continence) nurse will teach you how to live and care for your ostomy. Before you leave, the healthcare team will provide instructions such as:
Once your digestion has improved, you can return to a normal diet. Introduce one new food per day, one dish at a time, and see how your body reacts to each. This can also help your intestines gradually adjust to digesting more high-fibre foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Small Bowel Resection is a serious surgery. You should anticipate being in the hospital for a few days following your procedure. As you heal at home, you may need to make modifications to your diet, such as consuming meals that are simple to digest.
Short bowel syndrome is a condition that occurs when a large portion of the small intestine has been removed, resulting in reduced nutrient absorption. It often requires dietary changes and sometimes long-term nutritional support.
Short bowel syndrome is a condition that occurs when a large portion of the small intestine has been removed, resulting in reduced nutrient absorption. It often requires dietary changes and sometimes long-term nutritional support.
Yes, you can walk after a bowel resection. It's normal to feel tired and weak for 2-3 months following your surgery, so it's important to rest when you need to. However, it's also essential not to spend too much time in bed during the day, as getting up and moving around can help you regain your strength and reduce fatigue. Walking is an excellent way to start exercising and promoting your recovery.
The small intestine (SI) is difficult to regenerate or replace due to its intricate structure and functions. Recent advances in stem cell research, advanced engineering technologies, and regenerative medicine methodologies provide fresh hope for addressing SI clinical concerns.
Surgery is usually the primary treatment for small intestinal cancer. For some people, it may be the only treatment required. Surgery is currently the sole treatment available to cure small intestinal cancer.
In some cases, further surgery may be required if there are complications or if additional segments of the intestine need to be removed. However, repeated resections increase the risk of developing short bowel syndrome.
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