Physical fitness basically refers to that condition of the body wherein an individual is able to carry out his lifestyle activities with greater ease while being immune to potential health issues and emergency situations. This can be totally determined by these established metrics which are described below accordingly.
1. Body composition
This basically refers to the relative level of muscle, fat, bones, and other vital elements of the body. Measured using skin fold measuring calipers, DEXA, etc, it plays a highly significant role in determining the strength to weight ratio for better performance levels of the body in the day to day activities.
2. Cardiovascular fitness levels
This particularly refers to the potential of the respiratory and the circulatory systems to send oxygen levels to the body parts when under physical activity. Measured using the VO2 MAX test, this is highly important in determining the lung capacity of the individual.
3. Flexibility
This refers to the degree of motion variation, especially in the joints. Though flexibility cannot be measured superficially, stretches help one find out, how well a particular joint imbibes flexibility. It is one influencing factor that determines how well the other body functions are coordinated to the best of perfection.
4. Speed
This highlights the ability of the body to perform a particular task within a short duration of time. It is measured in various sports and activities like running, swimming, etc., and has quite a significant role to play when it comes to determining how well a person can coordinate under stress.
5. Power
This particular aspect is basically attributed to the muscular units applying the maximum force to any particular object. Characterized by speed and strength, power almost always determines the kind of motion you possess during any sports or activity.
6. Coordination
Highly definitive of motor controls, coordination serves as the contributing factor for establishing movement skills. Coordination can be highly essential to keep the easy movement of the various body parts for a perfectly controlled activity.
7. Balance
Balance refers to the act of stabilizing in a neutral position, irrespective of the state the person’s body is in. Tests for the same can be dynamic or static based upon the resistance power of the body against change factors can be measured.
8. Agility
Agility refers to the quick movements of the person, with respect to the time and space factors. Agility plays a very important role in determining the speed of decisions taken and also the brisk personality of the corresponding individual.
9. Muscular fitness
This basically refers to the endurance levels of the various muscles to the subliminal resistance activities of the body. A better muscular fitness level provides for a more energetic behavior on the part of the individual.
10. Strength
Strength primarily refers to the ability to exert substantial force on the body. Strength levels are highly metric to the bone mass and definitive training is done to achieve greater strength levels on the whole.