Good health is the best wealth! To safeguard the best wealth, you must protect your crucial organs. One such organ is liver. You cannot feel the liver because the rib cage protects it. The liver is called the ‘chemical factory’ as it produces, metabolizes, and excretes many toxic chemicals from the body also known as “xenobiotic” chemicals, acting as a detoxifier.
Did you know that the liver is the largest organ in the body and has an enormous amount of blood flowing through it every minute of your life? It is between 8 – 9 inches in its greatest diameter, 5 – 6 inches in its greatest height and 3 – 4 inches in its depth, weighing around 42 to 56 ounces.
Functions of liver-
• Your liver functions as a filter to cleanse the blood that is coming all the way from your digestive tract and then the ultra pure blood is passed to the rest of your body.
• It also helps in eliminating the toxins such as chemicals and drug metabolites from the body.
• The liver also helps in blood clotting by serving proteins that are important for the body to stop bleeding at the time of injuries.
How to know if your liver isn’t functioning well?
There are many Liver disorders that are caused mainly due to fatty liver, hepatitis virus infections and by consumption of alcohol in large quantities. The result of all liver disorders is cirrhosis, that is liver scarring which further leads to liver failure.
If your liver isn’t working right you may feel fatigue which is the first most common symptom. You may also feel nauseous; there will also be a loss of appetite, brownish urine, and yellowish color in the eye part of your eyes
The liver is a vital organ that runs the body’s important mechanisms. Now do you feel that you must take utmost care and follow some tips to protect the master organ? Get started and go through the marvel tips below:
The ultimate eleven tips to make liver your best companion:
1. Having problems with food digestion?
The prime tip that helps maintain liver health is to add a dash of lime to a glass of water and let this be the first thing that goes into your tummy in the morning. This also helps in enhancing the digestion process. Maintain a healthy digestive tract by consuming hygienic food. As you know that liver filters out bacteria and viruses that enter the body, consuming hygienic food can reduce the load on the liver.
2. Are you obese?
Reduce your body weight; obesity is the major risk factor for developing the fatty liver disease. If you are obese, start following a balanced diet and work out regularly to maintain your body weight. Try avoiding non-organic foods as they can contain pesticides, herbicides, and other toxic agents that are harmful to your liver and they are also known to induce obesity.
3. Is your diet rich in nutrients?
Yes, it is believed that high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are good for liver health. The same time you must also increase the protein intake mainly from the sources such as fish, beans, and nuts. Try to include seafood that contains omega-3 fatty acids, as these acids transport the toxins from within the liver cells to outside the liver cells and maintains your immune system and the inflammatory response.
Include herbs such as globe artichoke, turmeric, and milk thistle in your diet because they have miraculous properties that result in the good health of your liver. They also restore the liver cells back in case of any damage. They have the ability to stimulate the liver bile production for healthy fat digestion.
4. Are you vaccinated?
See to it that you along with your family members are vaccinated with hepatitis A and B vaccines. This may reduce your risk of acquiring contagious diseases.
5. Do you work out on a daily basis?
It is clear that daily exercise is the key to a healthy liver. Exercise would benefit your liver in an unbelievable way. It reduces the stress on the liver; it helps prevent obesity that causes fatty liver and exercise boosts up the energy levels.
6. Did you ever check on the amount of fats you are consuming?
Avoid foods such as red meat, dairy products, and deeply fried eatables; these contain saturated fats that are unhealthy for your liver. Likewise, avoid fast foods and processed foods that contain Trans fats and hydrogenated fats which are also absolutely unhealthy for your liver’s health.
7. Do you consume alcohol regularly?
Your liver is good in breaking down the alcohol but only up to a limit, exceeding limits may damage the liver. So try to be an occasional drinker. Never have excessive alcohol at once as the excess alcohol will end up circulating in your bloodstream affecting your brain, heart and other tissues resulting in you becoming increasingly intoxicated. If you belong to male gender, try to minimize the consumption to two drinks a day. If you are a woman, try to limit the consumption to one drink per day.
8. Are you among the ones who take self-medication?
Nowadays every one of us rushes to the medical store when sick rather than rushing to the doctor. Over intake of drug dose can cause harm to the liver and in severe situations may lead to liver failure too.
9. Do you intake sufficient water?
You must have at least 8 glasses of water per day. This helps you to flush out the toxins from the bladder and reduces the burden on the liver.
10. Are you habituated to overeating?
Do not overload your liver, it also needs relaxation. Do not over eat; eat only when you are hungry. Overeating exerts intensified pressure on the liver to filter the blood. Avoid foods that may make your liver weak. These foods include all those food, you are sensitive or allergic to.
11. Do you tend to eat more when under stress?
Some people have the tendency to eat more to calm themselves down or beat stress. It is a very unhealthy practice as the stressed mind directs your body to focus on de-stressing and not on liver or digestion.