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Department of Neurology

11 Tips For Living Better With Migraine

Posted On: Dec 31, 2019

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11 Tips For Living Better With Migraine

Migraine is a chronic disorder where the person experiences frequent headaches. These may be moderate or severe in intensity. Although it is not a threat to the life of an individual, it can adversely interfere with day-to-day activities. While there is no uniform treatment for migraines, here are some coping tips for living with chronic pain so you can live a better life despite migraines.

Tip 1: Track your triggers


Common triggers for migraines include bright and/or flashing lights, flying, or even consuming certain foods like wine or dark chocolate. It is important to identify what causes the onset of migraines in a person and is a vital part of migraine management. This makes it easier to avoid those activities or things which induce a migraine attack in a person.

Tip 2: Be with company


Some people have found that talking and sharing what they go through with a friend or relative can make it easier to endure the pain and make it more bearable. Another option is to find a support group where you can share your experience with people who are dealing with or have dealt with similar conditions.

Tip 3: Plan your diet


Eating healthier foods comprising of whole grains, fruits and vegetables can help nourish your body better and give it the fuel needed to combat this condition.

Tip 4: Get sufficient hours of shut-eye


Erratic sleep schedules, lack of sleep and even oversleeping can trigger a migraine attack. Aim to sleep for about 7-8 hours every day to give your body the rest it needs in
order to repair and replenish itself.

Tip 5: Maintain a diary


Use your smartphone or keep a diary to record your migraine attacks, including their frequency, severity, triggering causes etc. Having a detailed record for a certain period
of time can help detect patterns and make it easier to tackle this condition.

Tip 6: Lessen your burden


Migraine attacks are highly stressful, and trying to catch up on household tasks and office work can sometimes add to the stress. You might want to ask your family members or roommates to help with your share of household chores, and if necessary, talk to your employer about working part-time or some such flexible schedule.

Tip 7: Get some exercise


Exercise is nature’s best way of living a healthy life and preventing or curing many diseases or debilitating conditions. Exercise releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones which help improve blood circulation, aside from having several other beneficial effects. Start slow and low-key and gradually progress to more rigorous exercises.

Tip 8: Drink adequate amounts of water


Dehydration can be a major migraine trigger and cause a headache. Have sufficient water at regular intervals to flush your body of toxins and ease blood circulation in
your veins.

Tip 9: Plan your days


Uncertainty in everyday tasks and schedules can add to your stress levels and aggravate the effects of a migraine or even trigger an attack. Become better organized and make your life simpler and less stressful.

Tip 10: Stop Smoking


Nicotine and tobacco can constrict the blood vessels in your head and stimulate certain nerves, which trigger headaches. An allergic reaction to the smoke and smell of cigarettes can also be a potential trigger, so it is best to keep your distance from people who smoke and also not smoke yourself.

Tip 11: Therapy and Medications


Doctor-recommended prescriptions and over-the-counter medications can help prevent the triggering of a migraine attack.

Apart from the things listed above, one must immediately consult a doctor and seek medical advice on how best to tackle it and find a cure for the headaches. Following such simple measures can prevent triggering migraines and help one live better with this condition.

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