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Department of Nephrology

12 Kidney Symptoms That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Posted On: Dec 24, 2019

blogs read 2 Min Read

The kidney is a vital organ which helps in cleansing our body. The kidney plays a major role in eliminating the waste material from our body and keeping it free from toxins. In order to keep the body healthy and in good condition, it is important not to ignore the symptoms of kidney disease.

The Kidney And Its Functions

The human body has a pair of kidneys located on the posterior abdomen wall. It performs many important functions such as regulating the body fluids, filtering waste and toxins from the blood, activating vitamin D to maintain healthy bones, releasing hormones that regulate blood pressure, releasing hormones for the production of red blood cells, and keeping blood minerals in balance. This is the reason why kidney failure results in the death of the person unless dialysis is performed.


Most people are unaware of the fact that kidney diseases are usually silent killers. They do not show symptoms until the damage reaches a very critical state. Many common causes of kidney diseases are diabetes, hypertension, and an unhealthy lifestyle. It is essential to recognize the symptoms in order to seek help and treatment at an early stage. Here is a list of symptoms which should not be ignored.

  • Change in the urinary function

The first symptom of any kidney disease is a change in the amount and frequency of the urine. There might be a change in the quality of the urine. The usual pale yellow color of the urine may also change to a darker color. There may also be a persistent urge to urinate. Frequent urination is one of the most common symptoms of chronic kidney disease.

  • Shortness of breath

If the kidney disease is severe, it can cause fluid buildup in the lungs which interferes with oxygen exchange. Lack of oxygen may manifest as breathlessness or shortness of breath.

  • Blood in the urine

This symptom of kidney disease is a definite cause for concern. This could be a sign of prostate cancer or any kidney injury. You should immediately visit the doctor.

  • Foamy urine

Foamy urine is caused when there is a leakage of proteins from the body. The bacteria, sugar, proteins, etc. make their way out through the kidneys into the urine, and this gives us a picture of what is happening inside the body.

  • Swelling or edema

The kidney is the major organ responsible for eliminating the waste material and toxins from the body. When this function of the kidney stops, the waste matter and toxins get accumulated, causing the swelling of hands, feet, ankles, puffiness and stiffness of the hands. This is also known as edema.

  • Pain in the back or sides

Back pain is a common sign of kidney problem as the kidneys are located to the sides towards the back. The pain may be caused by polycystic kidney disease, swelling, inflammation or infection in the kidney, or cysts and cancers. This symptom should be informed to the doctor for early treatment to cure the kidney disease.

  • Fatigue, anemia, and weakness

Kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin which helps the red blood cells to carry oxygen to different parts of the body. When there is a malfunction, there is a drop in the production of this hormone leading to decreased production of red blood cells. This condition leads to anemia and also weakens the body.

  • Low concentration and dizziness

Anemia associated with kidney disease also depletes the oxygen in the brain resulting in dizziness and low concentration, as a high amount of oxygen is required for the brain to be alert.

  • Persistent cold

Loss of blood also makes the body shiver; a person may feel cold even in a warm surrounding. Persistent cold should not be ignored as it may be a sign of kidney disease.

  • Skin rashes and itching

Renal failure causes accumulation of waste matter in the body and causes severe skin rash and itching.

  • Nausea and vomiting

The waste material accumulated in the blood creates a feeling of discomfort, nausea, and vomiting.

  • Lack of appetite

Accumulation of toxins in the blood can cause lack of appetite. Your sense of taste may be impaired, or you may feel sick in the stomach, causing loss of appetite.

Kidney disease, if left untreated, can lead to excess fluid formation, cardiovascular abnormalities, muscle weakness, permanent kidney damage, and death.

These symptoms should not be ignored as they are signs indicating that your body is functioning abnormally. Inform your doctor in case you find any of the above-mentioned symptoms and protect your kidneys before it’s too late.

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