The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body. It plays an important in various bodily functions like detoxifying metabolites, synthesizing proteins and producing biochemicals that are necessary for digestion. The liver also regulates glycogen storage, production of hormones and decomposition of red blood cells.
It filters toxins out of the bloodstream, hence protecting tissues from damage and can also mend its own damaged tissues. Hence, liver tissue can be regenerated over time to support the efficient functioning of your body’s filtration process. However, there are some liver conditions that are irreversible and can become life-threatening if not treated immediately. According to reports from the World Health Organization, liver disease is the tenth most common cause of death in India.
Causes Of Liver Disease
Liver disease can be a result of a collection of infections and disorders that affect the tissues, cells, and structure of the liver. In extreme cases, liver damage can lead to the failure of its functions altogether. Here’s a list of a few liver disease causes –
1. Genetics
If you inherit an abnormal genetic liver disease like Wilson’s disease, Hemochromatosis or Hyperoxaluria and oxalosis, from one or both of your parents, various substances can build up in your liver leading to liver damage.
2. Abnormal Immune System
Primary biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis are autoimmune diseases in which the immune system attacks certain parts of your body, thus, affecting the liver.
3. Infection
Numerous viruses and parasites cause inflammation of the liver, hence, reducing the effectiveness of its functionality. These viruses can be spread through contaminated water or food, semen, blood or contact with an infected person. Hepatitis A, B, and C are the most common types of liver infections.
4. Unhealthy Lifestyle
In India, chronic alcohol abuse is one of the major causes of liver diseases. Other causes include an unhealthy diet, obesity, lack of exercise and unprotected sex.
Symptoms Of Liver Diseases
Some liver conditions can lead to permanent damage. Identifying the signs of liver diseases and early diagnosis followed by swift treatment can mean the difference between a treatable illness and a life-threatening situation. However, like most illnesses, it is difficult to ascertain the signs and symptoms of liver diseases in the early stages. Therefore, it is important to visit your medical practitioner immediately if your body shows any of these symptoms –
1. Abdominal Swelling
A malfunctioning liver can lead to the imbalance of protein and other compounds. This leads to a build-up of fluids in the tissue which results in a swollen abdomen. This condition is called ascites. The most common symptom of ascites is a prominent potbelly, often signaling cirrhosis. Based on the extremity of the condition, the swelling may even spread to your arms, feet, and ankles.
2. Abdominal Pain
Liver cirrhosis causes pain in the upper right abdomen and can come and go in recurrent throbbing or stabbing patterns. Seek immediate medical assistance if these symptoms persist and the pain becomes unbearable.
3. Bruising
The production of proteins needed for blood clotting reduces when your liver is damaged. Hence, you bleed and bruise more easily.
4. Irritated Skin
Itchy skin that develops into flaky rashes is also a sign of liver damage. Liver diseases may also result in other skin problems like change in skin color and tone, reddening of hands or feet, or yellowing of mucous membrane and skin (jaundice). In some cases, the veins show through the skin.
5. Loss Of Appetite
Nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, and digestive discomfort are early signs of liver problems.
6. Vomiting
An upset stomach and ongoing nausea are early symptoms of liver disease. A damaged liver has reduced the ability to eliminate bodily toxins and hence, there is an increase in digestive distress.
7. Jaundice
When bodily wastes cannot be eliminated efficiently, the bile pigment called bilirubin builds up in the bloodstream. This results in yellowed skin and eyes, dark-colored urine and light-colored stools.
8. Changes In Urine
Dark-colored urine may be a result of the presence of increased levels of bilirubin in the bloodstream. While it isn’t always a reason for alarm, if the condition persists for longer durations, it can lead to toxicity and result in neurological impairments, uncontrolled reflexes and eye movements, and seizures.
9. Changes In Stool
There are a number of changes in the bowel movements when your liver is damaged. These symptoms typically present themselves as –
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Constipation (with a presence of blood in the stools)
- Changes in the color of the stools (unusually pale)
While you may experience constipation from time to time, it is alarming when it becomes chronic. IBS leads to bouts of diarrhea or constipation, chronic abdominal pain, and an urgent and frequent need to pass bowel movements.
10. Retention Of Fluids
A damaged liver restricts the ability to produce and circulating proteins which cause circulatory problems that lead to retention of fluids in the body. As gravity naturally pulls down to the lower parts of the body, these fluids are localized to the legs, ankles, and feet. In most cases, these fluids can be drawn out of the body with diuretics eliminates excess bodily fluids in the form of urine. In extreme cases, the bodily fluids will have to be removed surgically if diuretics fail.
11. Change in Personality
Liver damage can affect cognitive functions when toxins build up in the bloodstream and reach the brain. This causes problems with concentration, confusion, lack of focus, and are the first symptoms of toxin overload. Liver diseases can also lead to changes in sleeping patterns, forgetfulness, and unresponsiveness.
12. Weakness & Fatigue
In the early stages of liver diseases, you might experience constant weakness and fatigue. While most people associate this with the stress of day to day activities, it should be addressed immediately if the condition persists. Some people also experience disinterest in sex.
13. Changes In Skin
Some people with damaged liver may experience premature aging and skin wrinkling. You may also experience brown liver spots on your face and rest of the body. The skin may also break out in acne and painful rashes that lead to ulcers.
14. Flu-like Symptoms
The initial stages of liver diseases can lead to unexplained flu-like symptoms including the common cold, mild fever, headache, and joint pain.
15. Other Symptoms
Some of the other signs and symptoms of liver damage are –
- Hypertension
- Curling of fingers
- Hair loss
- Enlargement of salivary glands
- Shrinking of testes
- Gallstones
- The appearance of spider-like veins on the surface of the skin
Prevention Of Liver Diseases
As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Here’s a bunch of things you can do to avoid liver-related problems and diseases –
1. Cut down your alcohol consumption
2. Try to restrict your calorie intake to 1400 per day
3. Consume a low fat, low rice, and low sugar diet. Add vegetables that are rich in antioxidants to your diet. Antioxidants protect your liver cells against damage and detoxify your bloodstream
4. Work out for at least 45 minutes a day for 5 days per week. You can opt for physical activities such as yoga, jogging or aerobics
5. Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is one of the major causes of liver disease
6. Liver diseases are sometimes transmitted through semen. Practice safe sex
7. If you are planning to get tattoos or piercings, make sure that the needles are sterilized
8. Get regular health check-ups with your medical practitioner
The chronic liver disease presents a major health concern worldwide. Identifying symptoms and diagnosing it is important for effective treatment. There are numerous medical tests that reveal liver health and provide appropriate courses of therapy in case of damage. You can save a regenerate healthy liver tissue if you manage to slow down the progress of the liver disease. Eat healthily, drink loads of water, and stay fit! Let us know more ways to prevent liver diseases in the comments section.