Studies suggest that cancer cases may be prevented through a healthy lifestyle and balanced diets. It is a known fact that a balanced diet helps to maintain a healthy body weight, which can itself reduce the risk of many cancers. The link between diet and cancer is complex and difficult to understand. This is because our diet is made up of lots of different foods and nutrients. Many of these do affect the risk of contracting cancer.
Food obtained from plants is highly effective against cancer. The presence of phytonutrients tends to reduce the risk of cancer and help in the treatment of the same.
Listed below are some effective foods that may lower the risk of cancer. Go ahead and take a look.
1. Green leafy vegetables
Green vegetables are an excellent source of nutrients and are rich in minerals and antioxidants. These contain essential anti-bacterial properties which sublime the tumor formation cells and kill the cancer cells accordingly. You can eat cooked green vegetables or simply go for raw juices to intake all the essential nutrients to the fullest.
2. Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits are a perfect example of food rich in phytochemicals and various antioxidants. The most important of all – the carotenoid antioxidant is an essential element for boosting up the immune system and improving the general health of the vital organs of the body. Citrus fruits are definitely the must-have foods for the prevention of cancer.
3. Dairy products
Not just any dairy product, but the foods actually recommended are the probiotic ones that help fight tumor development and curb the growth of cancer cells on a large scale. Examples of a few of the above are raw milk and its various products like cheese and yogurt. The essential proteins also help strengthen the body and give it a healthy look.
4. Essential oils
Essential oils like coconut oil, virgin olive oil are the best food ingredients that help prevent cancer in a highly efficient manner. Also, they aid in the functionality of the nervous system and strengthen the muscles and thus help in effective cancer care. Food cooked in these oils serves the most important and highly definitive functionality to fight cancer effectively on their own terms.
5. Fish
Cancer-fighting agents are not simply restricted to a complete vegetarian diet. One is advised to consume seafood like salmon and sardines which contain essential omega-3 fatty acid that regulates the nervous system and fights tumor formation to curb the growth of cancer on a greater scale.