Department of Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery
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Department of Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery

5 Things To Be Kept in Mind After A By Pass Surgery

Posted On: Dec 26, 2019

blogs read 2 Min Read

Heart by-pass surgery is performed to replace the damaged arteries in the heart and facilitate proper blood flow through the arteries. Blood vessels from another part of the body is used by the surgeon to repair and replace the damaged arteriesCoronary arteries supply oxygenated blood to the heart’s muscles. A blockage in the arteries restricts the blood flow and hampers the heart’s function. With recent technological advancements, the success rate of by-pass surgeries has significantly increased.

Recovering from heart by-pass surgery is usually a daunting task, however with the following 5 tips, you can recover fast and efficiently-

  1. Regular Health Check-ups– All the health check-ups post the surgery are aimed to keep a tab on cholesterol, blood pressure and overall health. Regular check-ups speedy recovery prevents any risk of another attack.


  1. Proper Medication– Never forget the dosage and timings of your medication as prescribed by your doctor. Missing out on medication may often complicate your recovery. You should always consult your doctor before taking any other medicines.


  1. Keep a proper check on your wound– Incisions on the chest and leg must be kept clean, dry, and away from infection. Any sign of infection, pain, swelling, tenderness or high temperature must be immediately reported to the doctor.


  1. Eat Healthy Food– A healthy, whole diet can do wonders to your recovery process. You need to avoid heavily processed food items at any cost as it may create complications in recovery. Fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, poultry, and legumes help speed up the recovery.


  1. Quit Smoking Right Away– People who continue smoking after bypass surgery have a greater risk of death than the patients who stop it. You would not want to risk your life again for that one puff of smoke.


Recovering from heart by-pass surgery can take between six to twelve weeks even without any complications. Avoiding all heavy exertion, limiting physical activity as much as possible should be strictly followed. A healthy lifestyle and a proper diet will ensure that you have a healthy and speedy recovery.

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