The science of sleep is receiving more attention than ever before; a healthy and complete life is co-related to a long and undisturbed sleep every day. But studying sleep has always been a mystery to modern science. While the traditional means of observation and audience feedback were considered incomplete, the modern Polysomnogram and ECG instruments have found larger applications in sleep studies.
According to modern studies, sleep can be maintained at different levels. Among the different levels of sleep, the deepest stage is known as REM sleep. REM sleeping is considered the healthiest and most rejuvenating among the different stages of sleep.
Why is REM sleep Important?
The REM is abbreviated as “Rapid EYE Movement” because at this stage your eye moves fast and randomly. And you start to dream, which is often forgotten when you wake up. REM sleep is the stage where your body starts completely relaxing and repairing itself; REM sleep is also critical for the nervous system to repair its systems. Meanwhile, at REM stages your bodily activity, including heartbeat and respiratory functions goes below normal levels, signalling a lower level of normal bodily activities.
While the REM sleep cycle is undeniably critical, the modern lifestyle and pressures make it difficult to achieve. Consult with our team of experts to know more about it.
Maintain a healthy Sleep Cycle
Ever wondered how birds have such a healthy sleeping cycle? The secret lies in a sleeping clock maintained in a special portion of the brain.
The brain has a physical sleeping cycle clock, constantly maintaining the sleep log. A healthy biological clock prompts you to fall asleep at the right moment and guides you through the entire night.
Practice waking up at the Right Time
If you practice falling asleep at the right time, you can also practice waking up at the right time. Ideally, you should wake up at the end of a sleep cycle.
Each sleep cycle or REM cycle lasts for around 70-90 minutes. According to this principle, having a six and half hours of sleep means that you are enjoying four complete sleep cycles. Meanwhile, having a seven-hour sleep means that you are waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle, which could make you feel tired and drowsy.
Drink the Right Amount of Water before Going to Sleep
Dehydration is a frequent reason for waking up from a healthy sleep cycle. Always ensure that you drink a glass of water before you go to sleep. However, you drink too much water and it could be a reason to wake up from sleep.
Practice Regular Work-Out
As sleeping is essentially an activity of your brain, having a healthy brain is important for healthy sleep. Regular exercise practice can establish a stronger cardiovascular system and brain. Also working out in the earlier part of the day ensures that your heart rate isn’t elevated right before you go to sleep.
Control the Light and Temperature of your Room
For a sound sleep, having a strictly controlled light and temperature is critically important. Especially in a city environment, your bedroom could be constantly vulnerable to stray lights and sounds. Drawing your curtains or using earbuds may be especially useful for maintaining a controlled ambience in your rooms.
Beware of your Food Consumption
Always maintain a strict awareness of all your food items. Taking coffee or spicy food in the last five hours before you go to sleep is associated with sleep apnea. If you are finding yourself regularly in the middle of a disturbed sleeping pattern, cut down on your coffee consumption.
NOTE: These are the primary steps that help you achieve deeper and more refreshing sleep. Continuous sleep deprivation could signal a deeper medical problem and require the attention of a medical practitioner. Visit Manipal Hospitals to get the finest treatment.