Organ transplant is a life-changing procedure that can give a second chance to recipients. However, it is very important to know a few things which can help make the procedure successful.
A team of doctors on your side
After the transplant, most recipients have a specialist to monitor their particular foreign organ every three or four months or even for years. For example; kidney transplant recipients get a nephrologist to monitor their kidney health. However, the recipient should also have other specialists on his/ her healthcare team.
Share everything
After an organ transplant, health problems may develop, which you may think would go away with time. However, it can be related to your transplant and lead to serious health issues. Hence, share every single thing about your health with your healthcare team in order to eliminate the problem.
Minimize exposure to germs
Every transplant recipient is at a high risk of developing infections after transplantation because of immunosuppressant medications. Hence, minimizing exposure to germs can reduce the chances of infection.
Keep stress at a minimum
For transplant recipients, it is necessary to keep low stress levels. Stress can have bad effects on the immune system, which can ultimately have bad consequences on the overall health of transplant recipients. A few of the strategies which one can follow to lower stress levels are; reducing fatigue, avoiding conflicts, focusing on positive things, and joining a faith community.
Talk to other transplant recipients
By sharing experience with other transplant recipients, one can easily discover everything about what to expect and hence, prepare himself/ herself for the life post-transplant procedure.
Arrive at the best multispecialty hospital to get the finest treatment with the help of organ transplant surgeons in Bangalore.