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Department of General Medicine

5 Tips for Staying Healthy this Winter

Posted On: Dec 27, 2019

blogs read 2 Min Read

Winter is here! So we thought to help you keep your immune system strong with five simple tips.

Wash up regularly

Wash your hands regularly to keep infections away. Wash well before eating, after using the washroom and touching any contaminated things. Also, keep your hands clean after visiting any contaminated areas such as a playground.

Exercise regularly

Moderate exercise on a regular basis can boost your immune system. Hence, keep yourself fit with regular exercises. Overdoing can result in the release of stress hormone and other essential chemicals that can weaken the immune system.

[Consult your fitness trainer to know what and how much exercise is suitable for you]

Eat well

As the winter season sets in, it can tempt you to eat those warm foods with high fat and sugar levels. Be sure to add winter vegetables and fruits – rich in vitamins and minerals such as dry fruits, sweet potato and leafy green vegetables – to your diet.

Sleep well

An ideal amount of sleep (8 hours) can help you keep your immune system strong enough to fight off the common cold. Quit smoking as it can affect the quality of your sleep. 

Stay hydrated

As the weather cools down, your thirst for water can decrease. Staying hydrated is one of the best things which you can do to avoid half of many health-related problems.

Feel free to share other ways of staying healthy in the winter season.

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