Diabetes is a chronic disease, in which the body either cannot produce insulin or cannot properly use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that controls the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Diabetes leads to high blood sugar levels, which can damage organs, blood vessels and nerves. There are two types of diabetes, type I and type II. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks and kills the beta cells of the pancreas. Whereas, type 2 diabetes occurs when the body can’t properly use the insulin that is released or does not make enough insulin for the body.
The following lifestyle changes which involve achieving a healthy body weight and moderate physical activity can help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. So, try to follow them:
1. Choose the right food
The first step towards reducing the risk of diabetes is to tune up your diet.
Skip the foods rich in fat and opt for healthier choices like fibre and whole grains. Foods rich in fibre include fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Women who consume 2 to 3 servings of whole grains each day are 30% less likely to develop diabetes than those who do not. Many ready-made foods made from whole grains are available in the stores such as bread, cereals, pasta products, etc. Do not consume refined carbohydrates such as white bread, doughnuts, white rice, etc. which increase your risk for diabetes. Avoid packaged and processed foods as well.
2. Skip the sugary drinks and beverages
Similar to refined grains, sugary drinks cause a high glycemic load and thus a higher diabetes risk. Instead, switch to unsweetened beverages like water, and tea to prevent excess weight gain.
3. Exercise Regularly!
The next step one should take is to exercise as inactivity promotes type II diabetes. Work out your muscles to increase their ability to use insulin, thus facilitating glucose absorption. This does not mean that you need to sweat to reap the benefit. Walking is the best exercise to prevent and control diabetes. Several studies found that the risk of contracting diabetes is lowered by nearly 30% in those people who walk for 30 minutes per day. The other activities you may opt for include dancing, cycling, swimming, aerobics, etc.
Watching TV for hours together increases your risk for obesity and thus diabetes. So turn off the TV if it exceeds the limit.
Try shedding the extra weight and you will be surprised to see the significant effect on your sugar levels with every pound you lose. Physical activity helps you to reduce your weight which indirectly controls your condition.
4. Quit smoking
You can avoid a long list of medical complications by not smoking. The risk of diabetes in smokers is nearly 50% higher than the non-smokers. Although quitting is not easy, you can gradually decrease the extent to which you smoke. There are several support groups which help people to successfully quit smoking.
5. Cut down the consumption of liquor
It is a known fact that excess alcohol consumption can lead to an increased risk of diabetes. Consume alcohol in limited quantities and not in excess quantities. Moderate consumption is helpful: for women, the daily intake should not exceed one drink while for men not more than 2 drinks.
When should you consult a doctor?
Prevention of diabetes is more important for those who are overweight or have a family history of the disease. It is advisable to consult a doctor, to check if you have diabetes in any of the following cases:
- If you are over 45 years old and overweight,
- If you are less than 45 years old, overweight and also have other risk factors such as a family history or a sedentary lifestyle, etc.
Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to prevent diabetes based on your medical and family history.
Your genes take a back seat to the lifestyle and behavioural changes when it comes to diabetes. While you are in the pre-diabetic stage (very slightly elevated glucose levels), you should nurture some healthy habits to control your diabetes. It is never too late to start, so begin today! Visit Manipal Hospitals now.