We experience a wide range of emotions during the course of our daily lives. Some, like happiness and excitement, are pleasant, while others, such as anger or anxiety, are not. Anxiety is a common emotion which affects nearly everyone. We can become anxious for any number of reasons.
First, what is anxiety? It is an emotion which can be caused by several factors like a mental or physical condition, any situation or an occurrence, drugs, or a combination of these factors. In some cases, it can occur without a cause as well. It interferes with the normal functioning of a person. Fortunately, there are many ways in which we can cope with anxiety attacks and their related problems. Let us have a look at some of the most common causes of anxiety and how best to tackle them.
Most Common External factors that cause anxiety
The most common external factors that cause anxiety are:
1. Work-related stress: Heavy workload, unpleasant working conditions, long hours, politics or an overbearing boss are just some things which cause stress at the workplace.
2. Stress due to personal reasons: If a person’s marriage going through a rough patch, or is having relationship issues, it is reason enough for him/her to experience anxiousness.
3. Financial Stress: This is another common cause of anxiety attacks. Many people feel insecure about their jobs and have intermittent fears about their financial condition in the present as well as the future.
4. Stress due to medical issues: Anxiety can result from a serious medical illness, or as a symptom of illnesses like heart attack, heat stroke, hypoglycemia etc. It can also be a side-effect of medication being taken for other reasons.
5. Stress due to emotional trauma: It is very common to find people who have been victims of any crime or physical/sexual abuse, natural disasters etc. having bouts of anxiety. A commonly used term used in such instances is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
6. Panic Disorders: This is a mental condition which manifests itself in the form of palpitations, dizziness and breathlessness.
7. Phobic disorders: Some people may experience irrational fears which can rise to the level of panic attacks when confronted with particular situations. For example, fear of heights, spiders etc.
Some ways to effectively combat anxiety attacks
Let us now look at some ways to effectively combat anxiety attacks:
1. While it is always important to lead a healthy lifestyle, it assumes even more importance. Pay attention to your diet and exercise routine. Exercising boosts the endorphin levels in the body, which are basically “feel-good” hormones. Avoid coffee, or reduce the intake, as caffeine can make you jittery.
2. Meditation: Take some time out for yourself to engage in calm-inducing activities
like meditation. Choose a quiet place, set a timer, and close your eyes. Take deep breaths to help your body relax.
3. Talk to people: Occasionally venting out your feelings to a family member or a friend can help you release the burden off your shoulders. Confide in someone whom you are very close to. The feeling of reassurance that someone supports you and is looking out for you can be a powerful weapon against anxiety disorders.
4. It’s all in your mind: Anxiety is an internal condition, and more often than not, can be controlled by the mind. Being optimistic and thinking positive thoughts may not be easy, but can be incredibly helpful. For example, if the anxiety is due to a specific fear such as fear of failure, picture yourself successfully facing and overcoming that fear.
5. Distract yourself: If you find yourself experiencing an impending anxiety attack, engage in some useful, meaningful and constructive activity to distract yourself. It could be a hobby like playing music, or writing poetry etc. Anything which can keep you occupied. Because as the saying goes: An idle mind is a devil’s workshop!
6. Don’t overhype things: Put things in perspective and confront your fears. Often, we find that our fears and apprehensions are baseless, and we blow things out of proportion, making our problems appear bigger than they actually are.
7. Medical Treatment: If everything else fails, or if anxiety is caused due to medical or physical ailment, medications can help alleviate your anxiety issues. For example, if the anxiety is caused due to an overactive thyroid gland, surgery and thyroid- regulating medications can help. Drug abuse treatment can help relieve anxiety caused due to substance abuse and counselling can address psychological causes like
strain in the marriage.
These are some of the easy tips to deal with anxiety. The key is to always be in control of the situation and not let it overwhelm you.