Summer season tends to damage our skin as a result of high temperature and humidity. It is the peak time for those itchy and crawly sensations ,due to the excessive sweating that attracts the dust particles and pollutants. The harsh rays and the harmful pollutants that inhabit the air, aggravated by profuse sweating can lead to several skin ailments. This blog talks about a few such common skin diseases. So, check them out to avoid or prevent further damage.
Your body perspires more during summers to keep the body temperature low. This triggers the sebaceous gland to produce more oil to keep your skin moist. The oil blocks the skin pores and results in acne.
Wash your face at least 3-4 times to remove the grease which settles on your face. You may apply some kitchen remedies such as honey mixed with lemon juice and apply it as a paste over your skin. You may prepare a mix of curd and lemon juice to which a pinch of turmeric powder may be added and apply this to your skin to prevent acne.
Sun tan
The constant exposure to sun rays can lead to skin tan as a defense mechanism to strong light. However, a severe form of this is the sun-burning which is quite uncomfortable. It involves itching, skin peeling, and redness.
Applying sunscreen offers protection from the harmful UV rays preventing the skin damage although it may not prevent sun tan. Oral antioxidants and vitamin C can be of much help to prevent suntan. For additional protection, wear light colored clothing, sun glasses, and a hat or carry an umbrella.
If you experience sunburn, take a shower with cold water and use the over-the-counter (OTC) corticosteroid moisturizing cream to ease the fiery feeling. If you have blisters, fever, larger sunburns, swelling and extreme pain, then you must call your doctor immediately. You may need an emergency care if you experience heat stroke, dehydration or heat exhaustion.
Yeast infections
We have a superficial yeast species surviving on our skin all throughout the year. However, during summer, profuse sweat favors the spread of this yeast out from the hands to the other body parts causing the infection called tenia Versicolor. Tan and scaly patches on your chest, neck and back occur due to this yeast infection. This infection is more commonly seen in women.
Stay clean by rinsing your body after a sweaty day. Get into the bathroom for a shower as soon as possible after exercising in the humid weather. If the infection is recurrent, then you should better consult a skin specialist.
Contact dermatitis
You may prefer camping or hiking outdoors during summers, but if you end up contracting plants such as poison ivy or poison oak, then it can be quite irritating. The oil from these plants get in contact with the skin and cause a condition known as contact dermatitis which involves rash or allergy. It can cause redness, itching and flaking of the skin and in severe cases swelling, hives and blisters can also form.
Being alert of your surroundings is the best way to prevent contact dermatitis. Learn how these plants look like and stay away from them. It is especially important to be cautious in the parks and backyards. Avoid walking through tall grasses. Instead take plane roads.
If you come in contact with these plants you should wash the exposed skin with warm water immediately. Scrub your skin and nails to prevent the spread of the oil to the other parts of the skin. Also, wash your clothing in warm water to remove any traces of the oil. OTC corticosteroid drugs are available to treat these infections.
Hot and humid weather is the high time for contracting heat rashes. The sweat that gets trapped in the skin folds and under the skin due to the clogged sweat ducts leading to heat rashes. They develop as small, itchy bumps or blisters.
The heat rashes disappear on their own over a few days. As a preventive measure, wear breathable garments that allow for the perspiration to evaporate. It is advisable to avoid the use of cream, make-up, etc. which can block the sweat ducts. In the case of a severe rash which worsens over 3-4 days, it is better to consult a doctor to know the presence of fungal or viral infections.
Bug bites
Insects such as mosquitoes and chiggers can chomp into your summer time fun. The bites from these insects can lead to itching, swelling and redness.
There are ways to avoid the bug bites or keep the pesky pains they cause at the minimum. Avoid bushy or grassy areas and if you think you cannot avoid such places then wear long shirts tucked in your pants and socks or shoes to prevent the bites. Use the insect repellants when you have to enter the woody areas. Do not use the insect repellants on children younger than 3 years of age. An ice pack or a cold compress is helpful to prevent swelling of the bite. Over the counter corticosteroids and antihistamine, drugs are helpful for treating such rashes.
Cuts and scrapes
Although they can occur anytime in the year, they are more common during summers as you are outdoors for longer times during summers.
Use cool, running water to clean the minor cuts or scrapes. If there is bleeding, then tie a cloth applying pressure to stop blood loss. Bandage the cuts and change them every day.
Don’t be lazy after a fitness session! Change your clothes or better go for a bath as you are done with the workout. Otherwise, you may have a bacterial infection called the folliculitis. It involves red pustules or bumps seen usually on the shoulders, thighs, and buttocks. You may have some itching and burning sensation on these skin areas.
Folliculitis is mainly due to tight clothing which compresses the hair follicles making it favorable for the bacteria to grow. So wear loose clothing during summers. It is a smart idea to carry an antibacterial cleanser.
Athlete’s foot
It is a skin condition caused by a fungal infection which can occur in any population groups. If you are wearing the closed-toes shoes, or have a small injury of your nails, then the fungus can infect your foot. It leads to flaking, peeling of skin between the toes, blisters, and oozing of the skin.
OTC antifungal creams are available to provide an immediate relief and can completely clear off the infection with a regular application.
Be well prepared by taking the discussed precautionary steps or get ready with the remedies in hand before that scorching summer shows off its ill effects on your skin. Stay happy and confident of not encountering any skin diseases even during the peak summers this time!