The conventional belief is that as you age your memory will start fading and that there is no preventing the inevitable decline of your brain’s ability to remember. However, this is not necessarily true. Your brain constantly develops new cells and forges new neural connections in a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity. The human brain is a dynamic and constantly evolving organ and your daily habits and practices influence its abilities, structure, and functioning. Here are 9 tips to sharpen your memory:
Adequate sleep
If you choose to do only one thing to help improve your memory, let it be getting good sleep. The brain uses sleep as a key time to solidify the connections between neurons and consolidate everything learned during the day. It is advised to get 7-8 hours of sleep every day, including naps.
Regular exercise
Exercise results in an increased heart rate that facilitates better blood flow to the brain. Any form of exercise or vigorous cardio that lasts at least 30 minutes helps enlarge the hippocampus, also known as the memory center of the brain. This includes running, swimming, and biking. Physical activities that generally require complex motor skills are especially beneficial to the brain.
Your brain doesn’t actually multi-task, rather it switches focus from one action to the other. Your brain will need around 8 seconds to process and commit a piece of information to memory. Thus multi-tasking only serves to slow you down and disorient your brain. Take the time to think through your actions before working on them, this will help strengthen your memory.
Use Mnemonics
Mnemonic devices are handy instruments for helping you memorize things easier and faster. These include acronyms, rhymes, and acrostics.
Get Organized
A disorganized personal environment is more likely to lead to memory loss. Remember to declutter your home and make note of tasks and appointments. Make simple but comprehensive to-do lists and keep them updated.
Meditating consistently delays cognitive decline and prevents dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. Meditation further reduces stress and negativity in the brain which can further lead to a positive impact on memory.
Stay mentally active
Keep your brain active with mental challenges and simple changes to your routine and habits. Give it fresh stimulations and do not let it lie in stagnancy. Solve puzzles, take up new mental exercises as hobbies, learn new languages, and break out of your typical routine. This will help keep your brain to stay in shape and may even keep memory loss at bay.
Reduce stress
Stress and depression have both been identified as contributing factors to the death of brain cells and loss of memory. One of the most simple and effective cures for this is laughter. Laughter reduces stress while also engaging multiple regions of the brain. Complement this with healthy social interactions as they have been noted for their de-stressing properties.
Eat right:
The brain is a powerful organ that takes up more than 20% of the body’s energy intake despite comprising only 2% of the body’s weight. The brain requires a constant supply of glucose as a drop in the glucose levels can result in confused thinking. Glucose can be obtained from carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and greens.
Foods that are particularly good for memory include antioxidant-rich and colourful fruits, green leafy vegetables and whole grains. Protein sources should include low-fat ones such as fish. Keep the body well hydrated with at least 8 glasses of water daily.
The brain is one of the most complex and powerful results of evolution. It is yet to be understood in its totality. But the scientific method and regular practice have shown the above habits to have a beneficial effect on the health of the brain and its memory function.