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Department of Ophthalmology

9 Essential Benefits Of Lasik Eye Surgery

Posted On: Dec 24, 2019

blogs read 2 Min Read

Anybody and everybody who wears spectacles would know the sense of freedom one gets without them. Most people choose contact lenses to avoid the burden of spectacles, which not only ruin their outward appearance but also give them headaches from time to time (due to the weight of the spectacles). Modern technology can completely free you of any vision aid, be it glasses or lenses, thanks to the Lasik surgery. People have welcomed the advent of this surgery since it is proven safe, pain-free and quick as well. Lasik surgery has many benefits some of which are listed below:

  1. Experience immediate effect: This is the greatest benefit of a Lasik surgery: The promptness of the result. Once you have undergone the Lasik surgery, your vision stands corrected from that very moment and you can quit wearing glasses or lenses immediately.
  2. Eternal freedom from glasses and contact lenses: You can bid goodbye to your expensive contact lenses and glasses and save some money when you get Lasik surgery done. You can enjoy clear vision without your glasses, which is nothing less than a dream come true for people with impaired vision. You will be blessed with two perfect eyes instead of the previous “four eyes” state.
  3. Almost painless: Lasik surgery is usually associated with no or little pain when compared to other kinds of surgeries. So, no need to get worked up before your Lasik surgery, for it is not going to hurt you at all.
  4. Quick recovery period: Since no stitches or bandages are involved in Lasik surgery, its post-operative recovery time is very quick. Little or no complications are seen after getting a Lasik surgery done. Mild tearing and eye irritation due to pollutants are all that you have to face for a few months.
  5. Quick surgery time: Most Lasik surgeries are done and dusted within 10-15 minutes, for both your eyes. This is no stepping into an operation theatre with hours to spend on the operation table. The laser beam does its magic quickly and easily. 15 minutes of the Lasik surgery can give you a lifetime of clear vision.
  6. Permanent solution: Lasik surgery is a permanent correction of 9 Essential Benefits Of Lasik Eye Surgery. Most times, there is no need to go for any follow-up procedures, unless there has been a mistake of under-correction or over-correction during the surgery.
  7. Carefree life: No more worries about forgetting to carry your lens case and solution. No more caring about the safety of your glasses while you sleep or travel. Say hello to a new carefree life where you can get 100% clarity in your vision without any hassles.
  8. No risk involved: Technological advancement in the Lasik surgery have eliminated most of the risks and there is no scope of vision impairment in this modern surgery.
  9. Guaranteed satisfaction: Statistical survey shows that 98% person of the patients were completely satisfied with their corrected vision, post the Lasik surgery.

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