Adolescence is an age of body and hormone change. Teenagers tend to become more irritated and anxious during this age. The fact is that in this age, body develops its organs due to which working, sleeping and eating habits of teenagers undergo major changes. Children are more prone to get obese during these years of teenage which last from 11-13 to 17-19. Young children develop a craze of following popular celebs and imitating them and their ways. In the world of social media, kids start trying to imitate their newly found idols. These idols which comprise actors, singers, pop stars and sportspersons usually have a perfect body shape which they flaunt every now and then. As a result, children in their adolescence start dieting and copying their favorite stars by hitting the gyms.
A survey was conducted where children in their adolescents were asked how happy they were about their body shape. A whopping 50% of the teens purported that they were not happy with their physique and wanted to change it. As a result of this striking dissatisfaction, teenagers start dieting with an intention of looking thin. Now, while dieting, these growing kids should focus on eating more raw fruits and vegetables, avoid processed foods, fat, and sugar based eatables. Additionally, they should engage in workouts and other physical activities through which they can accentuate the dieting process. Workout also should be moderated by an adult. However, a common myth that not eating helps in getting thin does not let them reach their ultimate aim. The teenagers resort to advice given by their peers and completely cut off their food intake, especially breakfast, or make it minimal. This is rather harmful and reverses the dieting process. This leads to unhealthy weight loss process. Teenagers usually diet with short-term goal and leave it soon as it is difficult to stay away from food. Thus, when they quit the diet, the temptation to eat the food they were craving for, increases. In fact, people who do not diet have a greater chance of staying away from obesity in the later years of their lives; it is proven!
Now this has a scientific theory as to why dieting leads to weight gain, or at a later stage, obesity. When one starts to diet, his mind knows that he is dieting, but the body organs don’t. When the body does not get the adequate amount of food as it normally does, the body transmutes into a survival mode and the craving for food escalates. This is the reason that people who diet, end up depressed and leave dieting feeling that they have lost in the process. So, what’s the solution?
Teenagers suffer from peer pressure, emotional breakdowns and tend to become more sensitive, Out of anxiousness and boredness, they munch occasionally. The solution is, cut short those extra meals when you are not ‘actually’ hungry. Reduce the junk food amount, but always welcome the healthy food. Keep physical exercise pouring in your schedule. This is the only mantra to fitness and weight regulation!