Even after decades of continuous research, cancer continues to hold the attention and challenges scientists and medical practitioners alike; the primary research involved in terminating cancerous cells and preventing the spread.
The latest discovery shows that scientists may be closer to decoding the cancer cell physiology than ever before while disinfecting the cancer cells to function like normal cells. The recent research at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville FL, has found a game-changing discovery about how we may be interpreting and treating cancer in the future.
While it could be unreal to expect sudden progress in cancer treatment, the real success could still be a distant reality. While it could take years for research to make progress, it could be decades before it’s successfully integrated into the medical treatment for cancer. Talk to our best team of cancer care specialists at Manipal Hospitals Bangalore.
What led to the Research Breakthrough?
The recent discovery of a previously unknown protein function has led to a breakthrough in cancer research. When two cells come together for tissue formation, the Mirna genes suppress the abnormal multiplication and aid in the successful binding of the respective cells. While the difference between healthy cells and cancer cells was previously obscure, modern research has given a new perspective on the situation.
Possibility of Reprogramming the Cancer Cells
The concept of reprogramming cancer cells lies in understanding the mechanism of cells bonding together. In tissue formation, two adjacent cells are enjoined by two complex compounds – E-Catherine and p120 Caterina. These cells not only combine cells but interact and receive information from microRNAs (miRNAs), to decide the cell nature and functionality. This intricate balance is critical to maintaining a normal and healthy body cell nature.
While the cancer cell combination is also to be achieved by these two compounds, the distinguishing points between cancer and normal cells have not been distinct. The recent discovery of a new compound named “PLEKHA7”, has been found to promote normal and healthy bonding between adjacent cells. The absence of the “PLEKHA7” compound is now associated with protruded and unhealthy cell combinations, which could potentially lead to cancerous unhealthy cell multiplication and combinations.
Implications of Reprogramming Cancer Cells
Traditional treatments included eliminating the cancerous cells or making them benign or inactive to affect neighbouring normal cells. Cell reprogramming puts a new innovative strategy for ‘cancer treatment’ that includes reprogramming the cancer cells before segregating them within the body.
If cancer cells are identified within the early stages, the above research results could bring about promising results without affecting the actual cell functionality. Visit the best cancer care hospital in Bangalore to get the finest treatment.