Cancer is dubbed as a certain category of disease that is characterized by a cell-growth that goes out-of-control. With more than 100 types of cancers known to the scientific community, it is essential to understand the things that aptly define the different variations of cancer. If you or your loved ones have been showing symptoms of cancer, make sure you plan a consultation with an oncologist.
Cancer can harm our body when the altered cells inside us start dividing at an uncontrollable rate which leads to the formation of lumps or tissue masses that have been termed as tumors. Tumors can grow at a rapid or slow pace leading to interference with various body functions such as the nervous system, digestive system, or circulatory system.
They can even release some hormones that are capable of altering the body functions. Tumors that tend to stay in a single spot with limited growth demonstration are considered benign. If you have been in constant fear of that sudden growth in your body that might be cancerous, make sure you get in touch with the best surgical oncologist in your area for proper assessment of the condition.
However, the malignant variation of tumors forms only when two things occur in the body:
- The cancerous cells manage to move through the body while using blood or the lymphatic systems for destroying the healthy tissues which occurs through the process termed as an invasion.
- The cells manage to divide towards an accelerated growth that makes the newly developed blood vessels feed it which is described as a process called angiogenesis.
When the tumor spreads out to different body parts and grows while invading & destroying the healthy tissues, this tumor is termed as a metastasized one. The process is deemed as metastasis which results in a condition that leads to difficulty in treatment.
- Bladder Cancer
- Anal Cancer
- Bone Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Colon Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- Kidney Cancer
- Endometrial Cancer
- Leukemia
- Liver Cancer
- Ovarian Cancer
- Lymphoma
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Stomach Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Testicular Cancer
- Vulvar Cancer
- Vaginal Cancer
Let’s understand the key facts related to widespread cancer and its various forms that might affect individuals of any age, sex, racial group, or ethnicity.
- The most prevalent form of cancer found in male patients in India is head or neck cancer which is closely followed by the lung cancer due to a major faction of the population being involved in smoking activities.
- For Indian females, the highest occurring cancer form is cervical cancer which is followed by the breast cancer.
- About 70 percent of the overall cancer patients reported in India lies between the age group of 30 to 70 years.
- India registers two new cases for cancer every minute which ultimately leads to the death of at least 1300 patients in a day with no proper treatment option in place.
- 1 in every 28 women residing in India is going to be diagnosed with breast cancer in any phase of her age-cycle but especially for women aged 55 above.
- A major number of cancer reports come from India’s northeastern periphery which includes places such as Aizwal, Mizoram, Papumpare of Arunachal Pradesh.
- Delhi is the chart-topper when it comes to cancer cases that are prevalent among children. This is why proper screening at a good cancer surgery hospital is a critical requirement.
- Metro cities such as Delhi, Chennai, and Bangalore reported a significant increase in the number of male patients who have prostate cancer.
Manipal Hospital, Best Cancer Hospital in Delhi, NCR houses some of the most advanced procedures and treatments available for the early detection of cancer in patients, that includes medical oncology, clinical hematology, radiation oncology, surgical oncology, Nuclear Medicine & Therapy.