Department of Cancer Care/Oncology
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Department of Cancer Care/Oncology

HIPEC Standard Treatment For Advanced Ovarian Cancer

Posted On: Dec 26, 2019

blogs read 3 Min Read

Almost all the abdominal cancers spread to the peritoneal surface (layer which covers abdominal structures). Despite numerous recent advances in chemotherapy, once cancer gets spread to these structures, it is considered “Incurable” for a long time. And the side effects of chemotherapy are difficult for the patient to endure. However, when these cancers are confined to the peritoneal cavity, Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) becomes an option for candidate patients. Manipal Hospital, Bangalore is the first center in south India to provide this state of the art technology, and has the credit of the largest number of HIPEC surgeries performed in India. We have FDA approved Belmont® Hyperthermia pump which perfusates chemotherapy mixed fluid into the abdominal cavity around 41-43 degree centigrade temperature over 60-90 minutes. Hyperthermia helps to kill the microscopically spread cancer cells after complete removal of visible cancer from the abdomen. Before HIPEC is administered, the surgeon will remove all visible tumours that can be removed throughout the peritoneal cavity. This is known as cytoreductive surgery. Following cytoreductive surgery, in the operative setting, the surgeon will administer HIPEC treatment. Book an appointment at Manipal comprehensive cancer centre.

A thirty eight year old lady from Bhubaneswar, who diagnosed with “Pseudomyxoma Peritonii” (jelly like mucous material spread all over abdominal cavity due to ovarian cancer), was landed in the Manipal comprehensive cancer center.

She has consulted many doctors all over India and no other treatment options offered to her and abdominal distension was increasing day by day. A team of doctors under Dr. Somashekhar S.P. (Chairman and HOD and Consultant Surgical Oncologist) operated upon her over 10 hours, major organ resections and reconstruction done. HIPEC was given over 90 minutes at 41.5º C. She recovered fully after the procedure and discharged home on 9th post-operative day. She is now doing well and happily enjoys life without trouble. Until this special facilities and HIPEC machine was available in India, patients used to travel to Europe or USA and get this treatment.

Most of the research results have proven HIPEC is the best treatment modality currently available for the peritoneal cancer spread. HIPEC improves drug absorption by the cancer cells and kills cancer cells effectively with minimal effect on the rest of the body. In this way, the usual side effects of chemotherapy can be avoided.

Cancer in which HIPEC is useful

♦ Pseudomyxoma Peritonii

♦ Mesothelioma

♦ Colorectal cancers with peritoneal spread

♦ Advanced ovarian cancers

♦ Recurrent ovarian cancer

♦ Stomach cancer



Chairman Surgical Oncology, Manipal Health Enterprise Pvt Ltd (MHEPL)

HOD & Consultant Surgical & Gynec. Onco & ROBOTIC SURGEON,

Manipal Comprehensive Cancer Center,

Board Member, Business Advisory Board of MHEPL

Adjunct professor Surgical Oncology, KMC, Manipal University

DNB – Surgical Oncology faculty & Teacher

Manipal hospital , Bangalore-560017 : somusp@yahoo.com

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