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Department of Orthopaedics

How A Knee Replacement Surgery Takes Place

Posted On: Dec 26, 2019

blogs read 2 Min Read

Any form of surgery on human body is a little bit scary. One gets a bit nervous while the process takes place. Well, we are all amalgamated with the same nervous system that produces the same kind of fear among us. Surgery always makes a person gets a little bit jittery. Not, only the individual on whom the surgery is applied gets all the load of worries, but people like friends and family feels more helpless and clueless.

Talking about a knee replacement surgery, one can be very sure that it is nothing to be worried about. Knee replacement is a surgical process which replaces the weight –bearing surface of the knee joint to relieve pain and disability. This particular operation is mostly applied on people who are suffering from Osteoarthritis and needs a knee treatment. There are even some other knee injuries like rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis.

Humans have a general tendency to delay things like operations and everything related to surgery. This delay can cause various other side effects which in turn can bring damage to other parts of the body. And yes, tremendous Knee pain is something for which one needs an excess absorbing power. So in order to get free from all such heinous pain, one should definitely undergo a Total knee replacement surgery.

Here, there will be explanation of certain steps involved during a knee replacement surgery.

  • The surgeon will make a cut across the front of your knee to gain access to the patella or more commonly known as Kneecap. The incision in such operation is generally 4 to 6 inches long.
  • Next, the knee gets opened and the patella is exposed. Then, the surgeon rotates the patella to get a better view of the knee area.
  • In a knee replacement surgery, the first bone which the surgeon will recur is your femur, casually known as thighbone. The surgeon will then carefully make cuts in your bone with some specialized instruments. At the end the damaged bone and the cartilage from the end of the femur will be removed to put the first part of the artificial knee that is the femoral component.
  • The, the surgeon attaches the femoral component and use bone cement to seal it.
  • The next bone that gets resurface is the Tibla. The metal and plastic tibal component gets fitted.
  • The end portion of the implant which is known as Tibal tray is fitted to the tibla using bone cement. Once the tray is in place, the femoral component that is the artificial knee which was attached at the end of the femur is checked again for accuracy
  • Now, it is back to patella. This time the surgeon flattens the patella with a plastic component for a proper fit.
  • At the end the surgeon will bend and flex the knee to ensure that the implant is working correctly. Stitches are done and you can move out from the OT with a CPM machine fixed in your leg.

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