What is Dermatographia?
Dermatographia or skin writing is a condition where minor scratches turn into temporary reactions. It is sometimes also called as dermographism or dermatographic urticaria. Almost 5 percent of people who are younger adults or older children develop this.
What Are the Symptoms of Dermatographia?
The common signs and symptoms occur when you scratch your skin include:
• Itchiness
• Redness
• Deep Wounds
• Swelling or inflammation
• Raised marks on the skin
• Welts that look like hives
The signs and symptoms of dermatographia may last for 30 minutes. In some cases, dermatographia may worsen in extreme temperatures, and symptoms last for a day or longer.
What Are the Causes of Dermatographia?
The actual causes of dermatographia are still unknown. However, if you are allergic to something, you may develop. The condition may be triggered by:
• Infections
• Stress
• Exercises that cause excessive skin rubbing
• A history of allergies
• Certain drugs
• Excessive rubbing from bedding or clothing
What Are the Risk Factors of Dermatographia?
The suspected risk factors include if you:
• Have thyroid disease
• Have dry skin
• Are a young adult
• Have a history of dermatitis
• Experience frequent scratches of the skin
• Have a nerve disorder or an internal illness that causes itchy skin
How is Dermatographia Diagnosed?
If the dermatographia becomes chronic, you may require medical attention. Symptoms are usually treated with nonprescription drugs, although alternative treatments can also help. Ask your doctor before taking new herbs, medications, or supplements.
Conventional treatments
Nonprescription drugs can help to get rid of dermatographia symptoms. They are antihistamines which prevent your body to produce histamine out of an adverse result to allergens and chemicals. In severe conditions, your doctor may recommend phototherapy. Phototherapy is a type of outpatient radiation therapy which is specially designed for the treatment of skin disorders.
Alternative treatments
There are alternative treatments for dermatographia which offer an excellent result. They include:
• Aloe Vera
• Oatmeal
• Rice bran broth
• Tea tree oil
• Fish oil
• Primrose oil
• Borage oil
• Multivitamins
• Vitamins B-6, B-12, D, and E
How to Get Rid of Dermatographia?
To prevent the symptoms and reduce the discomfort of dermatographia, consider the following preventive measures and lifestyle changes:
• Avoid itchy bedding and clothes. Synthetic and wool materials are common skin irritants
• Take cold or lukewarm showers.
• Moisturize your skin daily. Use a moisturizing cream or lotion after you take a shower for best results.
• Use fragrance-free soaps. The dyes and chemicals used in soaps with fragrance can make your skin itchy.
• Manage your stress. Adequate sleep, exercise, and medication can reduce stress.
• Use a humidifier during dry, cold months.
• Avoid scratching your skin whenever possible.