Brain tumours are developed inside the brain or anywhere in the central nervous system or inside the skull. We name all of them ‘brain tumours’ but, actually only around half of them have malignant (cancerous) brain tumours. The rest of the tumours are non-cancerous, or just the tumours, which have not been diagnosed as non-cancerous or cancerous. It is usually because of the tumours in such an area of your brain that it is too difficult to take them out as samples to make a proper diagnosis.
There are various kinds of primary brain tumours. Everyone gets its title from the kind of cells involved.
Types of Brain Tumours
These particular tumours arise in the spinal cord or brain and contain glioblastomas, astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, ependymoma, and oligoastrocytomas.
A meningioma is a tumour that develops from the brain's surrounding membrane and spinal cord. Most meningiomas are regarded as noncancerous.
Acoustic neuromas (schwannomas)
These are non-threatening tumours that grow on nerves that control equilibrium and transfer hearing from the inner ear to the brain.
Pituitary adenomas
These are typically non-malignant tumours that grow in the pituitary gland at the ground of the brain. These tumours may harm pituitary hormones. As a result, it affects the whole body.
These tumours are the most common cancerous brain tumours in children. A medulloblastoma rises in the lower back of the brain and inclines to an extent over the vertebral fluid. These tumours are not common in adults, but they may occur.
These rare and noncancerous tumours develop near the brain’s pituitary gland, which secretes hormones that switch many corporeal activities. As the craniopharyngioma grows slowly, it can harm the pituitary gland and other components near the brain.
The Cause of Brain Tumor
Primary brain tumours develop in the brain or tissues near it, like in the brain-casing membranes (meninges), pituitary gland, pineal gland, or cranial nerves. Primary brain tumours arise when normal cells gain errors (mutations) in DNA. These changes permit cells to develop and separate at good rates. They remain living when vigorous cells die. The effect is a collection of uncharacteristic cells, which build a tumor. Primary brain tumours are less common than secondary brain tumours, in which cancer develops and spreads to the brain.
Doctors do not know the correct reasons for primary brain tumours. There are also several risk factors in this situation. Genetic diseases put you at risk for a brain tumour. This includes neurofibromatosis and Turcot syndrome. If you have brain cancer, then you have to go through radiation therapy treatment. This treatment also increases the probability of brain tumours. You don’t have any proof that cell phone is responsible for brain cancer. National Cancer Institute reports that, though cell phone usage has increased considerably from 1992 to 2008, the frequency of glioma has not increased much in this particular time. Studies always exposed new paths of observation. Some European researchers have considered to some extent a greater risk of brain tumors along with continuous cell phone usage.