Did you know that diet foods are a myth for weight loss? Diet foods are used to boost the HEALTH market in a huge way. So what exactly is diet food? It is said to be nutritional things that one can have to increase weight loss. These are foods that are said to help in acquiring weight loss if eaten regularly. Many people believe in eating diet foods that help in achieving the standard level of a healthy body. We shall discuss some of the so-called diet food that does not help in weight loss and other possible solutions to it.
What you shouldn’t consider as diet foods
- Fruit juices– Packaged fruit juice that is easily available in markets does not help in reducing weight. These fruit juices are just sugar syrup with fruit flavor added to it. Don’t be fooled by its packaging and nutritional promises. The flavors and amount of sugar in it are dangerous for the body.
- Gluten-free junk food- Gluten-free dieting is a huge trend these days. These foods are no better than the gluten-containing counterparts. Cheap gluten-free bread, muffins, cereals only damage the body. They are of low quality and are highly processed carbohydrates that are labeled as gluten-free. These foods can contribute to diabetes, cardiac problems, and even certain types of cancer. If you still wish, you can eat naturally gluten-free foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts etc.
- Margarine- This food is considered as another alternative to regular butter. The trans-fat containing in this product is no less than the normal butter. This has been associated with the risks of heart diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, and many more. They have high levels of omega 3 fatty acids that increase the risk of health problems.
- Other foods- Diet sodas, frozen meals, higher fiber foods are also risky as they contain high levels of sweets and carbohydrates which is not good for weight loss as promoted.
There are certain weight loss measures that promise the same in a quick way. For this, you have to consult a dietician and a doctor to come to a proper solution. Some ways to achieve weight loss can be through bariatric surgery.
For obesity treatments, some people can go for Bariatric surgery. Since obesity poses threats to the body, it is best to reduce it as soon as possible. This surgery consists of a procedure where the stomach’s size is reduced with the removal of parts of the stomach or by using a gastric band. It can also be done by re-routing the small intestine and resecting it to a tiny stomach pouch. This process is called gastric bypass surgery under bariatric surgery. There are many other ways to do bariatric surgery depending upon the cost and health of the patient. Reduced weight is promised here but initially, fluid intake is recommended after the surgery.
Other kinds of obesity treatments include cutting calories, meal replacements, etc. Exercising regularly would be good too. Staying healthy is all one needs for a cheerful life. These methods will only improve the quality of it.