The gift of blood is the gift of life. There is no substitute for human blood. Every two second someone needs blood. More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day. Every year our nation requires about 5 core units of blood, out of which only a meager 80 Lakh units of blood are available. This huge demand-supply gap can only be narrowed down by volunteer donors. Adults have around 10 pints of blood in their body. 1 pint is given during donation. Each pint of blood can save up to 3 lives. Every blood donor is a hero!
June 14, ‘World Blood Donor Day’ falls on the birthday of Karl Landsteiner (June 14, 1868) who created the ABO blood group system, a system still followed to ensure the safety of blood transfusions.
The theme for 2016 is “Blood connect us all” where WHO focuses on thanking blood donors and highlights the dimension of “sharing” and “connection” between blood donors and patients. Developing countries are in dire need of safe and usable blood and blood products (in spite of) 92 million people donating blood annually. The WHO is hoping that all nations obtain the requisite amount of donations needed, solely from voluntary donors by 2020.
Health benefits of donating blood :
- For patients with iron overload syndrome, Iron can be dropped to safe levels by regularly donating blood.
- Donating blood reduces the risk of heart disease for men.
- A single blood donation can save up to three lives.
- One time blood donation helps to shed 650 Kcal. This helps in burning excess calories and maintains cholesterol levels.
- Blood donation also helps in lowering risk of cancer.
- Donating blood stimulates the bone marrow to produce new red blood cells in order to replenish the loss.
You don’t have to be a superhero to save lives. Donate Blood! Save a life!