Our lungs usher in life with every intake of fresh air. Healthy lungs are the reason why we go about everyday life and at times push past the ordinary to create great things, making life worthwhile. But more often than not, we don’t give a second thought to respiratory health. It may be because we are so used to taking our lungs for granted that we don’t realize that just like any other part of our body, lungs are susceptible to a variety of diseases and ailments. In today’s highly strenuous and busy world, respiratory diseases have steadily increased; the most obvious cause being the alarmingly high levels of pollution and contamination in Earth’s atmosphere. As such, it is vital to monitor and maintain respiratory health. Perhaps, the deadliest affliction that is plaguing innocent lives today is cancer, particularly of the lungs. The following tips will keep your lungs healthy and enable you to guard yourself against respiratory diseases:
- Closely monitor Lung Health:
Get regular respiratory check-ups done regardless of cost. Even the slightest chest congestions may be a sign of imminent danger so never disregard any signs that your body may give you. Schedule regular, if not frequent visits to your healthcare provider. Lung diseases go undetected in most cases until the very last moment so it is essential that you take even the slightest bit of respiratory discomfort seriously.
- Embrace Exercise:
Healthy lungs are ones that are free of disease and have a large capacity for holding air. Choose specific breathing exercises under the guidance of a professional Yoga practitioner. Regular breathing exercises together with physical workouts not only give your lungs that much-needed pampering but also visibly relax your entire system and uplift your mood to a great degree.
- Diaphragmatic Breathing:
People who are already suffering from lung problems like asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, etc., can adopt a form of lung exercise known as diaphragmatic breathing which will effectively help restore healthy lungs. Diaphragmatic breathing puts specific emphasis on the diaphragm muscle when you breathe in, thus enabling you to obtain a deeper inhale. As the amount of oxygen intake increases, diseases will definitely be ejected out.
- Refrain from the Destructive habit of Smoking:
It cannot be stressed hard enough how bad smoking is for you and your family. Smoking is a deadly disease that has taken away many lives and continues to do so every day. Every time you smoke a cigarette, you are inching closer to death and disease. Lung Cancer is of course, very strongly associated with smoking. There is no safe level of tobacco smoke exposure. Tobacco smoke is highly carcinogenic or cancer-causing in nature.
- Try to minimize exposure to air pollution as much as possible:
Vehicles, industries, and power plants are major contributors to lung cancer. Prolonged exposure to polluted air can develop lung cancer. Even though we cannot fully escape air pollution, try to combat it with some simple techniques. Avoid breathing in toxic fumes and once a week or as many times as you can, take a break and go to a place full of trees and lush greenery to bring down the harmful effects of air pollution from your daily life.
- Discover and adopt the best Cancer Care:
For patients who have developed lung cancer, surgery is the preferred mode of treatment. Lung cancer is mostly diagnosed at the last stages, so it is vital to choose the best form of preventive and degenerative cancer care from available options. Lung cancer care involves a series of pain-reducing methods. There are also certain therapies that can help maintain quality of life as treatment progresses.
- Understand and support Pulmonology Programs:
As the incidence of lung cancer has risen with each passing year, pulmonology has evolved by offering smoking cessation programs to the general public. Pulmonology is striving hard to reduce the prevalence of smoking and so it is our duty to help double efforts and make sure that nobody succumbs to this dreadful habit. Pulmonology mainly aims at chemoprevention and early diagnosis of lung cancer. Pulmonologists are leaders in organizing campaigns to reduce the occurrence of lung cancer and to effectively manage the development of the disease.
All in all, we are the masters of our own health and well-being. And so, it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and all the people we love against smoking as well as to preserve good respiratory health in the family and the community at large. With small efforts, the world will breathe in peace