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Department of Gastrointestinal Science

Vitamin Can Help In Curing Stomach Upset

Posted On: Dec 26, 2019

blogs read 4 Min Read

The stomach is the main source of many problems. Stomach ache, which is usually not serious and short-lived, can create severe discomfort. One who is suffering from it usually loses focus and this hampers a lot of things. However, often stomach aches that people shrug off thinking causal bout of pain turns out to be a serious ailment. So, why people suffer from stomach upset or gastroenteritis? And more importantly what you should know about stomach upset?

Stomach Upset Causes

Stomach upset can be the result of various factors. Sometimes stomach cramps lead to bloating. Usually, trapped wind causes it. While this is embarrassing, it can cause serious discomfort. In the long run, it can cause physical ailments as well.

Stomach cramp which leads to diarrhea can be a result of a bug attack. Yes, stomach bugs are serious problems. The cause of sharp pain down the stomach or the occasional twists can happen due to gastroenteritis. This refers to the problem of viral or bacterial infection. Eating food with is contaminated can cause this problem. Usually, people call this food poisoning.

Some stomach problems are serious. The causes may include appendicitis, kidney stones, or stomach ulcer.

Symptoms of Stomach Upset

Few symptoms refer to stomach upset. These are including severe abdominal pain. While there are other reasons for suffering from abdominal pain, often stomach upset is the cause of it. Stomach cramp is another symptom that people suffer from frequently. You can add body ache, headache, and nausea to this list as well.


The good news is most cases of stomach upset are not long-lasting. They can be treated without much trouble. Additionally, stomach upset can be cured with medicine and proper care. Yes, you might have to make some alterations in your eating habit. However, medicine is a must-have if you want to clear your bowel and lead a healthy life.

Vitamins can be used to get rid of stomach bugs. However, what type of vitamin can help you in this case? The world is flooding with different types of vitamins. Just a visit to the nearest pharmacy will get you an avalanche of vitamins. Which one to choose is the problem and you will have to solve it.

Since this is medicine, you need to talk to a physician. Sometimes consuming a medicine without consulting a doctor first leads to a lot of problems. Keeping this in mind you must have to go for a checkup before eating anything.

The best way to ensure proper treatment is to gather knowledge. You need to know about the vitamins. What vitamin works for which type of ailment? When you get to know this, you will be able to pick up the right supplement.

Another important part of the treatment is the proper dose. If you fail to consume the proper dose, you will not be able to derive the right benefit from the medicine. Now, that you know the dose, you need to determine which model of vitamin works better for your stomach. Should you go for the capsules or should go for syrups. A lot depends on the right choice.

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