When we hear the words ‘Mental Wellness’, we generally think of a state of consistent happiness. But, in reality, it’s much more than that. Mental wellness can be more accurately described as a mental state in which a person feels a sense of equilibrium as he passes through various life events and emotions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental wellness refers to a state of well-being in which a person realizes his or her abilities, can easily cope with the stresses of life, can work fruitfully and productively, and is able to contribute towards the growth of his or her community.
Importance of Mental Wellness
Over the last decade, the prevalence of mental health issues has risen tremendously across the globe, especially because of increasing stress, fear, anxiety, negative family environment, long working hours, family conflicts, shrinking social circle, and the loss of supportive relationships with friends, relatives, mentors, and extended family members. According to The Lancet, one out of every seven Indians was suffering from mental health issues of varying severity in 2017.
In addition, the proportional contribution of mental health disorders to the country’s total disease burden has doubled since 1990. As mental health disorders affect the quality of life and impede the person’s ability to deal with various challenges, it is necessary to mitigate the risk of these diseases for a healthier and happier life. Moreover, people with good mental health can cope with stress and engage in productive work and thus, contribute heavily towards the economy and the development of the country. Visit our neurology hospital in Bangalore to know more about mental wellness.
Tips to Improve Mental Wellness
Exercise Regularly & Be Physically Active
Exercising regularly is not only great for physical fitness and health but also beneficial for mental wellness. Moreover, as per research, being physically active can improve a person’s mental well-being by:
Helping them set challenges or goals and achieve them
Causing chemical changes in the brain which can help improve mood
Raising self-esteem
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Apart from being physically active, following healthy dietary habits and keeping a check on tobacco and alcohol consumption can also improve mental wellness significantly.
Learn to be at Peace with Yourself
Understanding your own needs, goals, and desires as well as limitations, acknowledging the things you can and cannot change about yourself and identifying your weaknesses and abilities can not only help you be kind to yourself but also encourage you to be the best version of yourself. In addition, journaling can also help you put down your thoughts and feelings and declutter your mind. Consult with an expert neurologist in Bangalore to know more tips about keeping yourself at peace.
Build a Strong Support System
A strong support system or social circle is beneficial for mental well-being as it can:
Help build a sense of self-worth and belonging
Provide an opportunity to share positive and negative experiences
Give emotional support and companionship
Learn New Skills
Learning new skills or hobbies can improve mental wellness by:
Raising self-esteem and boosting self-confidence
Helping build a sense of purpose
Helping meet new people and widen the social circle
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