Best Thyroid Specialist Doctors in Kolkata: Dr. Binayak Sinha

Dr. Binayak Sinha

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Best Thyroid Specialist Doctors in Kolkata: Dr. Binayak Sinha
Reviewed by

Dr. Binayak Sinha

Diabetes and Endocrinology Specialist

Manipal Hospitals, Broadway

Thyroid Cancer: Insights, Assistance, And Care

Reviewed by:

Dr. Binayak Sinha

Posted On: Jun 17, 2024

blogs read 6 Min Read

Thyroid Cancer Treatment

Thyroid cancer accounts for 1% to 4% of the malignancies and is predominantly the fifth most common cancer affecting women. Earlier, thyroid cancers were most commonly noticed in women. Because of the evolving lifestyle, thyroid malignancies are now not gender-specific, implying that men are also developing thyroid cancer. In this blog post, we bring insights about types of thyroid cancer, symptoms, aetiology, types, and treatment modalities related to thyroid cancer. 


About Thyroid Cancer

Cancer that starts in the cells of the thyroid gland is known as thyroid cancer. This is a butterfly-shaped organ located at the base of the neck. This endocrine gland regulates the body temperature and metabolism and also aids in controlling the heart rate and blood pressure. When the cells inside the thyroid gland abnormally proliferate, an abnormal mass forms that disturbs the physiological structure and functioning of the gland, progressively resulting in cancer. Thyroid cancers are predominantly treatable and have a very high rate of positive prognosis

Symptoms of Thyroid cancer

Initially, thyroid cancer, at its early stage, fails to exhibit signs and symptoms. As thyroid disease advances, it starts to show symptoms.

Patients should look up the following thyroid symptoms in male or female: 

  • A nodule (lump) that is noticeable through your neck

  • There is a sense that shirt collars that fit closely are getting too tight

  • Alterations in the sound of your voice, such as an increasing hoarseness

  • Having difficulty swallowing

  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck

  • You're experiencing throat and neck pain 

Consult our endocrinologist in Kolkata if you are experiencing the above symptoms and need a proper diagnosis (thyroid stimulating hormone tests). 

Aetiology of Thyroid cancer

It's unclear to researchers why certain cells attack your thyroid and develop into cancerous (malignant) tissue. There is an increased risk due to certain circumstances, like radiation exposure, low-iodine diets, and defective genes. Additional risk variables consist of the following:

  • Thyroid enlargement (Goitre)

  • Thyroid cancer or symptoms of thyroid problems in the family history

  • Thyroiditis refers to inflammation of the thyroid gland

  • Mutations in genes that result in endocrine disorders

  • Inadequate consumption of iodine

  • Obesity with a high BMI

  • Radiation treatment for cancer of the head and neck, particularly in children

Types of Thyroid cancer

Based on all the research, there are 4 main types of thyroid cancer

  • Papillary thyroid cancer: This is most likely the kind that you have if you have thyroid cancer. Approximately 80% of cases of thyroid carcinoma are of this type. Although it grows slowly, it frequently spreads to your neck's lymph nodes. Even after spreading, it can be treated effectively.

  • Follicular thyroid cancer: Follicular thyroid carcinoma accounts for 10% to 15% of all thyroid cancer cases. It has the potential to spread into your lymph nodes and also into the blood vessels.

  • Medullary cancer: The medullary form accounts for about 2% of thyroid malignancies. About 25% of the cases have a familial history of thyroid disease. It may be due to gene mutations. 

  • Anaplastic cancer: This is the most complicated variety of thyroid cancer to cure. It tends to extend into nearby tissue and other organs. Roughly 2% of thyroid cancer cases are diagnosed with this rare type of disease.

Treatment modalities for Thyroid cancer

A team of doctors and nurses who treat cancer, called oncologists, often work together to create a patient's treatment plan, which may include several different therapies. Thyroid cancer is usually treated with one or a combination of therapies, which depend on the stage, type of cancer, and extent of its spread. The following are the different treatment options available to treat thyroid cancer:

  • Surgery: The most common therapy employed to treat this is surgery, which is the first line of treatment. Depending on the staging and degree of spread, the surgeon determines the type of operation. Such as: 

    • Thyroidectomy: In this type of surgery, the whole gland or tissues are surgically removed.

    • Thyroid Lobectomy: A thyroid lobectomy involves the removal of half the thyroid gland by the surgeon. If the thyroid cancer in one part of the organ is progressing slowly, a lobectomy may be advised.

    • Lymph Node Dissection: in this type, the surgeon removes the lymph nodes to which the cancer has spread to prevent further spread of the thyroid disease.

  • Radiation Therapy: Radiation hinders growth and kills cancer cells. Strong radiation beams are sent straight to the tumour site. Placing radioactive seeds into or surrounding the tumour is known as Internal Radiation Therapy, also known as Brachytherapy.

  • Radioiodine Therapy: A pill or liquid carrying a larger dose of radioactive iodine is administered as part of Radioiodine Therapy. The radioiodine shrinks and kills the cancer cells and damaged thyroid gland.

  • Chemotherapy: Drugs administered orally or intravenously inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Very few thyroid cancer patients will ever require Chemotherapy. 

  • Hormonal therapy: Medical professionals inject certain hormones that prevent the release of hormones that promote the growth of tumours.

Consult our diabetes and endocrinology hospital in Kolkata if you need hypothyroidism treatment or treatment for thyroid cancers.


Even if most thyroid cancers are treatable, there can be differences of opinion on the treatment approach and combination of treatments to be used. Therefore, patients are encouraged to speak to their doctors when they develop thyroid cancer symptoms and want to make treatment decisions. We at Manipal Hospitals, Broadway, Kolkata, provide a holistic approach to thyroid cancer treatment and are there to support you throughout your treatment journey.


Various tests and procedures include:

  • Physical examination

  • Ultrasound imaging

  • Fine-needle biopsy

  • Genetic testing

  • CT and MRI scans

Yes, the majority of thyroid tumours are treatable with medicine, particularly if the cancer cells haven't spread. Your healthcare practitioner can create a treatment plan to remove as much of the tumour as possible and prevent it from reoccurring or spreading. 

Yes, it is possible, and thyroid hormonal injections available can replace thyroid function. 

It can be prevented by avoiding radiation exposure, maintaining a proper diet, and having regular follow-ups.

To schedule an appointment at Manipal Hospitals, contact our oncology department or visit our website.

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