Hemodialysis Centre in Kolkata - Manipal Hospitals


Hemodialysis Centre in Kolkata

Hemodialysis is a medical procedure to eliminate toxic substances, poisons, and extra fluid from the blood. This procedure is preferred when the kidneys cannot filter the blood efficiently. It involves pumping the patient's blood into a dialyzer, which filters the blood using a specific filter. Within the dialyzer, a semipermeable membrane has blood flowing on one side and dialysate solution on the other. The dialysate is disposed of after waste materials and extra fluid pass through the membrane. The filtered blood is pumped back into the patient’s circulatory system. Depending on the patient's health, this procedure can take several hours and must be performed several times a week. Hemodialysis improves patients' general health and quality of life by helping to control kidney failure consequences such as fluid excess and electrolyte abnormalities. Consult our nephrologists at our Hemodialysis Centre in Kolkata if need this treatment. 

This is a synthetic process that allows a dialysis machine to filter your blood, removing waste and water. Get the best advice from our doctors at Manipal Hospitals. Book an appointment today.