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Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common disorder in males that advances with age. It leads to enlargement of the prostate gland, which can trigger urinary problems, incontinence, and even chronic infections. Patients diagnosed with BPH often experience frequent urination or increased urge to pee, frequent night urination, trouble urinating, weak stream, or dribbling at the end of the urination.
BPH alone does not require treatment, but if it causes symptoms, treatment may help. Currently, the treatments available to address BPH are a wait-and-watch approach, medication, and surgery. Newer minimally invasive approaches are performed on an outpatient basis and cause less damage to the healthy tissues.
Consult our urologists if you need Enlarged Prostate Treatment in Broadway, Kolkata.
The prostate is a small gland about the size of a walnut that lies below the bladder. The gland secretes an ejaculatory fluid (semen). The semen helps transport sperm and keeps the sperm safe.
The precise cause for prostate enlargement remains elusive. However, the risk factors are:
Age: Men above 60 years have a higher incidence of prostate enlargement. It is rare for men younger than 40 to have prostate enlargement
Family history: Individuals with a family history of prostate enlargement have a higher risk
Lifestyle: Obese men are at a higher risk for prostate enlargement
Diabetes and heart disease: Individuals suffering from diabetes and heart disease who use beta-blockers have a higher risk
A doctor can diagnose prostate enlargement with a rectal exam. The doctor examines the urethra, prostate, and bladder with a cystoscope.
Men begin to develop BPH in their 30’s, evolve gradually, and present symptoms by the time they become 50.
As the BPH gland grows in size, it can compress the urethra. This can impede the urine flow from the bladder via the urethra to the outside. As a result, urine gets retained within the bladder, leading to the need to urinate frequently during the day and night.
Men with symptoms resembling BPH must undergo serum prostate-specific antigen measurement and urine analysis. It is advised to undertake additional testing such as pressure flow studies, upper urinary tract or prostate ultrasonography, lower urinary tract endoscopy, and serum urine creatinine.
If you are experiencing BPH symptoms that are affecting your quality of life, such as losing sleep due to frequent night urination, difficulty in urinating, or inability to delay urination or have a weak urine stream, you must consult with a doctor.
If left untreated, BPH increases your risk of developing urinary tract infections. Other medical conditions, including bladder stones, hematuria, or incontinence, may develop. Rarely, one may develop bladder or kidney damage.
No, BPH is not cancerous. It is also not a precursor for prostate cancer.
Men with significant symptoms undergo BPH treatment. However, most men diagnosed with BPH are monitored according to their condition yearly.
The two main classes of medication prescribed for BPH are alpha-blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. Alpha-blockers help relax the smooth muscle and improve urine flow or efficacy. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors shrink the prostate. The medications may take 6 months to be effective.
Some alpha-blockers cause dizziness or issues with sexual function, such as decreased sex drive or trouble with ejaculation.
If medications do not help treat BPH, other interventions are planned. Some of them are:
Prostate Urethral lift: The procedure is minimally invasive and can be performed on an outpatient basis. It uses mechanical lift to squeeze tissues to open the urethra so the flow of urine is improved
Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP): The procedure is considered a gold standard. A thin tube with a light is inserted into the urethra. The surgeon removes the outer part of the prostate while leaving behind the rest. Some men have stronger urine flow soon after the procedure
Laser Therapy: A high-energy laser destroys or removes overgrown prostate tissue. The procedure has lower side effects compared to surgical procedures
Embolization: The procedure blocks blood flowing to and from the prostate gland in specific areas. Therefore, it helps shrink the prostate gland
Prostatectomy: If BPH is not cured by the above procedures, complete or partial removal of the prostate gland is planned
Lifestyle changes that can help alleviate BPH symptoms are:
Consuming a balanced diet and exercising regularly
Limiting beverage intake after dinnertime
Reducing alcohol and caffeine consumption
Avoid medications that could trigger urinary problems
Home Broadway Specialities Urology Bph-benign-prostatic-hyperplasia