Best Skin Care Clinics in Bangalore - Manipal Hospitals
Best Skin Care Clinics in Bangalore


Best Skin Care Clinics in Bangalore

Dermatology is an intricate field of medicine that concentrates on studying and treating conditions related to the skin, which is the body's most extensive organ. Encompassing issues related to hair and nails, Dermatologists are medically trained to handle a vast array of skin-related disorders, totalling more than three thousand in variety. The Department of Dermatology at Manipal Clinics Begur stands at the forefront of skin health and treatment and is recognised for its exemplary services and patient care. It is not just confined to treatment; it also involves a comprehensive understanding of the aetiology, symptoms, and preventive strategies for diverse skin conditions. Our clinic's team of experienced dermatologists is committed to providing quality healthcare for a wide range of dermatological issues, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, hair and nail disorders, and allergic skin reactions.

Best Skin Care Clinics in Bangalore - Manipal Hospitals


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

The reasons for choosing Manipal Clinics Begur for skin care needs are multifaceted and deeply rooted in its commitment to excellence in dermatology. The clinic is home to the best dermatologists in Begur with experience in accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment of a wide array of skin issues. The facility is outfitted with contemporary diagnostic and treatment technologies, which include modern laser systems and sophisticated surgical tools, enhancing the effectiveness and safety of dermatological procedures.


At Manipal Clinics Begur, our approach to skin care is all-encompassing, considering not just the skin ailment but the overall health and lifestyle of the patient. Patients have access to the latest therapies for various skin conditions, including innovative surgical approaches for skin cancers. The focus is also on preventative measures and the importance of regular skin checks. We educate patients about their conditions and advise on lifestyle adjustments to enhance skin health.

Best Skin Care Clinics in Bangalore - Manipal Hospitals


Treatment and Procedures available at Manipal Clinic Begur

Skin Allergies


At Manipal Clinics Begur, the approach to addressing various skin allergies, such as eczema, hives, or contact dermatitis, is comprehensive and patient-centric. The top dermatologists in Begur conduct thorough assessments to pinpoint specific allergens, utilising tests like patch testing and serum analysis. This precise identification is essential for formulating an effective treatment strategy. 


The management of skin allergies involves a combination of treatments: topical corticosteroids to alleviate inflammation and itching, antihistamines for allergic response control, and, in more severe cases, immunomodulators. Each treatment regimen is set considering the allergy's type and intensity to ensure it effectively addresses the individual's condition.


A significant focus is placed on guiding patients in lifestyle adjustments and preventive measures. This includes advice on avoiding allergen exposure, adopting gentle skincare routines to maintain skin integrity, and dietary recommendations if food allergens are implicated. 


Patients are educated on recognising symptoms and the necessary actions if their condition worsens. This all-encompassing strategy offers immediate symptom relief and fosters long-term control and prevention of allergic episodes.


Skin-Related Infections


At Manipal Clinics Begur, the handling of skin infections, whether they're bacterial, fungal, or viral, is conducted with meticulous attention and tailored to the infection's nature, for bacterial skin conditions like cellulitis or impetigo, specialised antibiotic treatments are administered. 


Fungal infections are countered with appropriate antifungal medications, while viral skin conditions, such as herpes simplex, are treated with antiviral drugs. Each treatment plan is complemented by supportive care, including advice on skin hygiene and topical treatments to ease symptoms and promote healing.


The clinic emphasises the importance of educating patients as a crucial part of managing skin infections. This includes instructions on proper care of affected skin areas and maintaining hygiene to prevent the spread or recurrence of the infection. 


The dermatology team also provides insights on strengthening skin health to avert future infections, covering topics like maintaining a robust skin barrier, selecting suitable skincare products, and lifestyle modifications that can diminish the likelihood of recurrent skin infections. This comprehensive approach not only resolves the existing infection but also aims to prevent future occurrences.




The management of cutaneous lymphomas at Manipal Clinics Begur is conducted with specialised care and precision. Recognising the complexity of lymphomas, the clinic offers a spectrum of treatment options customised to the lymphoma's specific type and progression stage. 


For early-stage lymphomas, treatments may include topical steroids, phototherapy, or targeted radiation therapy. More advanced stages may necessitate systemic treatments like chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or targeted therapies. These treatments are selected following a thorough evaluation of the lymphoma's characteristics and the patient's overall health.


Our best dermatologists in Begur follow a multidisciplinary approach that ensures comprehensive care for patients. This includes collaboration with oncologists, radiologists, and other medical specialists as needed. Patients are supported with medical interventions and emotional and psychological support throughout their treatment journey. 


Services like counselling, support groups, and educational resources are available to assist patients and their families in coping with the challenges associated with lymphoma. This holistic approach reflects Manipal Hospitals' commitment to treating patients in their entirety, aiming for the best physical and emotional outcomes.




The treatment strategy for melanoma at Manipal Clinics Begur involves a collaborative, multi-disciplinary methodology, reflecting the gravity of this skin cancer. The tailored treatment plan depends on the melanoma's stage and depth and the patient's overall health status. 


Early-stage melanomas typically undergo surgical excision, where the cancerous lesion and a margin of healthy tissue are removed. For advanced melanomas, additional treatments like immunotherapy, targeted therapy, or chemotherapy might be recommended. These therapies target cancer cells more precisely and amplify the body's immune response to combat the cancer.


The clinic's approach to melanoma treatment extends to vigilant monitoring and follow-up care, which is crucial for managing this aggressive form of cancer. Patients undergo periodic skin examinations and imaging tests to watch for any signs of recurrence or metastasis. Additionally, our dermatologists in Begur clinic provide patient education on preventive measures for skin cancer, emphasising the significance of regular self-examinations and skin screenings. 


The team also advises on lifestyle adjustments, such as effective sun protection strategies, to minimise the risk of future skin cancers. This comprehensive care ensures that patients receive not only the most effective treatment but also the support and education necessary for sustained health and well-being.




At Manipal Clinics Begur, the approach to managing various dermatitis types, such as atopic and contact dermatitis, is thorough and patient-centric. The process begins with a detailed evaluation to pinpoint possible triggers or contributing factors, including allergens, irritants, or genetic links. The typical course of treatment combines topical solutions like corticosteroids or calcineurin inhibitors aimed at reducing inflammation and easing discomfort. 


For more intense cases of dermatitis, systemic treatments may be employed, encompassing oral corticosteroids or advanced biologic drugs. Our best dermatologists in Begur ensure that each treatment regimen is tailored to address the individual’s specific condition and requirements, targeting both prompt symptom relief and sustained control.


Patient education and self-care are crucial components of the dermatitis treatment plan at Manipal Clinics Begur. Patients receive comprehensive guidance on skin care practices, emphasising the use of mild cleansers and moisturisers to preserve skin moisture and integrity. Adjustments in diet and lifestyle are also explored, particularly when environmental elements are a factor in the condition. 


Moreover, the clinic conducts educational sessions for patients, focusing on recognising and avoiding potential irritants, effectively handling symptom flare-ups at home, and upholding overall skin health. This all-encompassing strategy goes beyond merely treating the physical manifestations of dermatitis; it equips patients with the understanding and resources necessary for long-term, effective management of their condition.

Best Skin Care Clinics in Bangalore - Manipal Hospitals

Facilities & Services

Manipal Clinics Begur offers a wide range of facilities and services to ensure patients receive comprehensive, high-quality care. These include:

1. Outpatient Services: The outpatient department is the frontline of dermatological care at Manipal Clinics Begur. It offers consultations, diagnosis, and treatment planning for a wide range of skin conditions. 

2. Invasive Procedures: The clinic is equipped to perform a variety of invasive dermatological procedures, including biopsies, excisions, and other surgical interventions. 

3. Allergy Testing: Specialised allergy testing services are available for diagnosing various skin allergies. This includes patch testing and other advanced diagnostic techniques to identify allergens that trigger skin reactions, thereby enabling targeted treatment plans.

4. Advanced Dermatological Care: Patients have access to advanced treatments for complex skin conditions such as psoriasis, vitiligo, and severe acne. This includes phototherapy, laser treatments, and the latest pharmacological interventions, all provided under expert guidance.

5. Cosmetic Dermatology: The clinic offers a range of cosmetic dermatology services aimed at enhancing skin appearance. Treatments like chemical peels, botox, fillers, and laser therapies are performed by skilled dermatologists, catering to the aesthetic needs of patients.

6. Dermatosurgery: For conditions requiring surgical intervention, such as skin cancers, cysts, and moles, the clinic provides expert dermatosurgery services. 

7. Medical Aesthetics: Beyond traditional cosmetic treatments, the clinic offers advanced medical aesthetic services. This includes anti-ageing treatments, scar revisions, and skin rejuvenation techniques, blending medical expertise with aesthetic enhancement.

8. Patient Education: Emphasising the importance of informed healthcare, the department provides extensive patient education. This includes guidance on skin care, disease prevention, and management of chronic skin conditions, empowering patients to participate actively in their skin health.

9. Teledermatology Services: Understanding the need for accessible care, the clinic offers teledermatology services, allowing patients to consult with dermatologists remotely, especially for follow-up visits and ongoing care management.

10. Pediatric Dermatology: Specialised care for skin conditions affecting infants, children, and adolescents is available. Our paediatric dermatologists are skilled in diagnosing and treating a wide range of pediatric skin conditions.

11. Customised Skin Care Regimens: Dermatologists at the clinic also assist in developing customised skin care regimens for patients, considering their skin type and concerns.

Manipal Clinics Begur's Department of Dermatology is a beacon of hope for those seeking comprehensive, compassionate, and competent skin care. With its blend of advanced technology, expert medical staff, and a patient-centred approach, it stands as a leading choice for dermatological care in Bangalore and beyond.


A skin specialist will be assigned to get to know about your lifestyle, cosmetic and skincare goals and history in the case of cosmetic procedures. Then recommendations are made based on your individual needs. For skin related problems, the specialist will conduct a thorough diagnosis of existing conditions.

Smoking, exposure to UV rays, sunlight, radiation and chemicals, old age, family diseases, psoriasis treatment, weak immune system, HPV infection, fair skin, old age, past skin problems, and genetics.

Raised red or white bumps Painful or itchy rashes Rough or scaly skin Peeling of skin Ulcers Lesions and open sores Cracked and dry skin Discolored skin patches Fleshy bumps, skin growths or warts Loss of skin pigment Excessive flushing

Some skin problems cannot be prevented as these are caused due to genetic conditions or other illnesses. Many skin problems can be prevented by maintaining proper levels of hygiene, avoiding direct contact with those who are infected and ensuring you are only using clean public spaces and equipment. A balanced nutritious diet, proper water consumption and avoiding emotional and physical stress can also help prevent skin problems.

A wide range of skin conditions are treated at the clinic. The common ones include Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Hair loss, and Nail fungus.

You can visit the Best Skin Care Clinic in Bangalore on any weekday from 8 AM to 8 PM. The timings may slightly vary for holidays, etc. It’s advised to confirm with the clinic beforehand for a hassle-free experience.

The cost of an appointment with a dermatologist at Best Skin Care Clinic in Bangalore varies depending on the service you need. However, the clinic offers a range of affordable options to meet your needs.

Your dermatologist will decide whether to go for light therapy, laser therapy, or microneedling. The type of treatment will depend on the doctor’s recommended options and your preference.

Things like self-diagnosis, using the wrong products, picking at blemishes, etc., should be avoided. Consult a top dermatologist at the Best Skin Care Clinic in Bangalore for the best possible treatment of your skin condition.

Manipal Hospitals is committed to providing the best quality of personalized skincare and we seek to engage in long term relationships that benefit our patients by protecting and maintaining their skin for the long run.

Reach out to us to find out more about how you can keep your skin healthy. Book an appointment with our skin experts to keep your skin healthy and glowing!