Best Internal Medicine Hospitals in Begur, Bangalore | Manipal Hospitals
Best Internal Medicine Hospitals in Begur, Bangalore | Manipal Hospitals

Internal Medicine

Best Internal Medicine Hospitals in Begur, Bangalore

Every system in the body is interconnected. High blood pressure can lead to heart disease, and diabetes can put a person at risk for several health problems. Internal medicine is a medical specialty that focuses on treating adults. Doctors diagnose, treat and prevent illnesses that affect all individuals, from chronically sick patients to those in need of short-term care. Doctors at MH Begur give accurate medical assistance required for illness prevention and routine checkups. There is a wide range of problems doctors treat, essentially assisting the patients to live the healthiest life possible.

Best Internal Medicine Hospitals in Begur, Bangalore | Manipal Hospitals


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Why Manipal?

The internal medicine department at the best internal medicine hospitals in Begur, Bangalore, Manipal Begur clinic provides comprehensive primary and comprehensive treatment and care to hospitalised patients in an outpatient environment. The department is well-equipped with cutting-edge technology for treating both acute and chronic health issues.

The Department of Internal Medicine focuses on providing comprehensive treatment to patients of all ages. The team collaborates with the other specialised divisions to evaluate the patient's condition and undertake difficult operations. Internal medicine physicians are trained to provide individualised and effective therapy to all patients, and follow-up consultations to guarantee swift recovery.

Best Internal Medicine Hospitals in Begur, Bangalore | Manipal Hospitals

Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases are illnesses caused by pathogens that enter the body.  Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites are the most prevalent causes. While numerous organisms dwell on or in the human body and are generally safe, some of these species can cause disease under particular situations. Many infectious illnesses are contagious and can be spread from person to person. While some are spread by animal or insect bites, others are spread through contaminated food or water or being exposed to organisms found in the surroundings.

Causes of Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases can be caused by,

  • Bacteria

Bacteria can cause infectious illnesses. These one-celled organisms cause diseases such as strep throat, urinary tract infections, and TB.

  • Viruses

 Viruses are smaller than bacteria and cause a wide range of illnesses, from the common cold to AIDS.

  • Fungi

Fungi are responsible for many skin conditions, including ringworm and athlete's foot. Fungi from other species can attack the lungs or nervous system.

  • Parasites

Malaria is caused by a small parasite that is spread by mosquito bites. Other parasites may enter humans through animal faeces.

Symptoms of Infectious Diseases

The signs and symptoms of infectious illnesses vary according to the type of sickness. Fungal infections typically produce localised symptoms such as redness and itching. Viral and bacterial infections can cause symptoms across the body, including:

  • Fever

  • Chills

  • Congestion

  • Muscle pain and a headache

  • Vomiting, nausea, and diarrhoea

  • Cough

  • Fatigue

If the person has any chronic (ongoing) problems or symptoms that worsen with time, the person should visit a doctor.


To discover what's causing the symptoms, the doctor may prescribe blood tests or imaging scans.

Laboratory Tests

Many infectious illnesses have symptoms that are similar to one another. Body fluid samples can occasionally provide evidence of the specific bacteria causing the disease. This assists the doctor in offering medication.

  • Blood Tests: A technician gets a sample of blood by injecting a needle into a vein, generally in the arm.

  • Throat Swabs: A sterile swab is used to collect samples from the throat or nose.

  • Stool or Urine Sample: Getting urine or stool to check the sample for parasites and other organisms.

  • Spinal Tap: A needle is delicately placed between the bones of the lower spine to acquire a sample of cerebrospinal fluid. Typically, the patient is instructed to lie on the side with the knees drawn up against the chest.

Imaging Tests

Imaging tests, such as X-rays, Computerised Tomography (CT Scan), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), can assist in narrowing down diagnoses and screening other illnesses that may be triggering symptoms.


A biopsy is a small sample of tissue extracted from an internal organ for examination. A biopsy of lung tissue can be examined for a type of fungus that causes pneumonia.

Treatment of Infectious Diseases

There are many therapies available to aid in the prevention and management of infections. Doctors collaborate with patients to develop a customised preventative or management strategy based on their particular requirements. Antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, and antiparasitics can be used as treatments,

  • Antibiotics

Antibiotics are only used to treat bacterial illnesses; they have no impact on viral infections. Antibiotics are classified as corresponding to bacterial kinds. Particular antibiotics are more effective against certain bacterial families. The doctors closely monitor antibiotic usage as excessive use might lead to susceptibility, making bacterial infections more difficult to cure.

  • Antiviral

Antiviral medications are used to treat viruses such as AIDS, Herpes, Influenza, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C.

  • Antifungal

In persons with compromised immune systems, fungal infections are particularly frequent and can damage the mucosal membranes of the mouth, throat, as well as lungs. Antifungal medications are used to treat serious fungal infections.

  • Anti-parasitic

Anti-parasitics are used to aid in the treatment of parasitic disorders such as malaria. While anti-parasitic medications have effectively cured many parasitic infectious illnesses, certain parasites have evolved treatment resistance.

Fever and Cold


A fever is a condition that is usually a symptom that indicates an underlying disease or medical disorder, and in most cases is caused due to an infection of some kind. Treatment of fever will depend on the patient’s age, physical condition and the underlying cause of the fever itself. 


A cold is a contagious disease of the upper respiratory tract that affects the nose, throat, sinuses, and trachea (windpipe). A common cold can be caused by a variety of viruses. A healthy adult might have two or three colds each year. Colds can be more common in infants and young children.

Causes of Fever

A common illness, such as a cold or gastroenteritis, is the most common cause of a fever; other causes include,

  • Ear, lung, skin, throat, bladder, and kidney infections

  • Inflammation-causing conditions

  • Drug side effects

  • Cancer

  • Vaccines

In addition, there are several other causes of fever, which include,

  • Blood clots

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis, lupus and inflammatory bowel disease

  • Hormonal illnesses such as hyperthyroidism

Causes of Cold

  • Various viruses can cause the common cold and rhinoviruses.

  • The common cold virus enters the body through the mouth, eyes, or nose. When a person is sick and coughs, sneezes or speaks, the virus can spread by droplets in the air.

  • It can also be passed from person to person or by exchanging infected things such as dining utensils, napkins, toys, or cell phones. There are chances to acquire a cold if the person touches the eyes, nose, or mouth after such contact.

Symptoms of a Fever

A fever makes a person extremely uncomfortable. Fever signs and symptoms include the following,

  • Temperatures higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) in adults and children

  • Shaking, shivering, and chills

  • Muscle and joint pain, as well as other bodily ailments

  • Headache

  • Sweating intermittently or excessively

  • Palpitations or rapid heart rate

  • Hot or flushed skin

  • Feeling dizzy, weak, or lightheaded

  • Sore eyes or eye ache

  • Weakness

  • Loss of appetite

Symptoms of Cold 

Common cold symptoms normally occur one to three days after being exposed to a cold-causing virus. Signs and symptoms may vary from person to person,

  • Runny or stuffy nose

  • Cough

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion

  • Slight body aches or a mild headache

  • Feeling unwell

  • Sneezing

  • Fever

Treatment for Fever and Cold

Over-the-counter medications,

  • In the case of a fever or cold that's causing discomfort, the doctor may recommend an over-the-counter medication, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others).

  • Pain relievers are given to relieve sore throat, headache and fever.

  • The medications should be taken as per the prescription given by the doctor.

Prescription Medications

  • Depending on the cause of the fever, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic, especially if the patient suspects a bacterial infection, such as pneumonia or strep throat.

  • Cough syrups are prescribed for the temporary relief of symptoms.

Stomach Infection

Stomach infection is a common disorder that affects the stomach and intestines and is generally highly contagious. It is also known as gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is caused by an infection that induces inflammation of the digestive system lining. Elderly people, young kids and people with a weakened immune system have a high chance of acquiring more serious conditions.


Diarrhoea is the most common symptom of gastroenteritis. There are several other symptoms and indicators.

Other symptoms and indicators of gastroenteritis include,

  • Vomiting and nausea

  • Cramping and discomfort in the abdomen

  • Chills and a mild fever

  • Appetite loss

  • Muscle pains and headaches

  • Tiredness and overall ailment

  • Incontinence

  • Infant malnutrition.

Dehydration can happen as a result of excessive fluid loss from the body. Dehydration symptoms should be reported to a doctor immediately, especially in babies and children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems.


Diarrhoea is the most common symptom of a stomach illness. If the symptoms are severe or prolonged, the doctor may request a stool sample. During gastroenteritis infections, stool samples may be collected to identify the virus or bacterium that is causing the outbreak. Identifying patients with relevant records of food or drink they have recently ingested can also aid in determining the origins of the infection.

Stomach Flu Treatment Options

The treatment of stomach infections is focused mainly on managing signs and symptoms, particularly dehydration. Bacterial gastroenteritis is often treated with both antibiotics medications and symptom support.

Supportive Care

The basic goal of supportive care is to keep patients hydrated and electrolyte-balanced. The main therapies are fluids or over-the-counter oral rehydration solutions e.g., Gatorade, Pedialyte, and Powerade. For severe dehydration, doctors advise IV fluids and hospitalisation for better treatment.

IV Fluids Procedure

IV fluids are liquids that are injected into a patient's veins using an IV (intravenous) tube. Dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities are prevented or treated comprehensively.

  • Initially, the doctor decides the type of IV fluid the patient needs.

  • Determining the amount of fluid the patient needs and how speed varies on several factors, including age, weight, symptoms and medical conditions.

  • The doctor disinfects the skin where the IV is inserted, generally inside of the elbow or on the hand.

  • The doctor ties a tourniquet around the arm to push blood to fill the veins and then examines the veins to locate the right insertion area.

  • The doctor slides a sterile needle into the vein. The needle has a small plastic tube at the other end. After the injection, the doctor removes the tourniquet and places a plastic attachment onto the tube. The IV needle is taped to the patient arm so that it abides in place.

  • After this, the doctor attaches the small tube to a bigger tube. Then attaches it to a satchel of fluids and hangs the satchel on an IV stand and turns on a device to pump the fluid into the IV line.

  • The doctor regularly checks the IV line and monitors the amount of fluid penetrating the body.


Over-the-counter drugs can assist with symptoms of stomach infection. Severe instances may necessitate stronger prescribed medications to prevent severe dehydration.

  • Oral Rehydration Solutions

Fluids and electrolytes lost due to vomiting or diarrhoea are replaced by Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS) such as Hydrolyte and Pedialyte to ensure rapid hydration. The rehydration solutions are modified accordingly to promote maximum fluid absorption.

  • Antiemetics

Antiemetics (anti-nausea drugs) work by slowing down the region of the brain responsible for nausea and the vomiting reflex. If severe dehydration is present, a doctor may prescribe a stronger prescription antiemetic to relieve nausea and vomiting by contracting the stomach. These medications are given intravenously. Book an appointment at Manipal Begur Clinic to get better treatment plans for any of the health consitions. 

Best Internal Medicine Hospitals in Begur, Bangalore | Manipal Hospitals

Facilities & Services

These are some of the specialty clinics spearheaded by the Internal Medicine Department - Geriatric Clinic - HIV Education Clinic - Rheumatology Clinic - Influenza Clinic (Control & Treatment) - Rehabilitation Clinic - Adult Vaccination Clinic - Infection Control Clinic - Diabetic Clinic - Preventive Medicine Clinic


An assigned physician will look into all the general information about the patient and then review the current injury or disorder. Based on findings, further diagnostic procedures or treatment will be recommended.

Yes, fever is caused by infection, and avoiding both bacterial and viral illnesses can lower the risk, maintain good hygiene practices, and get inoculated, especially if you're going to a tropical country, keep a nutritious diet to help your immune system, and general wellness, make sure you're well hydrated by drinking plenty of water. To get the finest prevention tips, visit the best internal medicine hospitals in Begur, Bangalore.

Apart from these four chronic diseases- cancer, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease, several other issues such as allergies, anemia, arthritis, blood pressure, cholesterol issues, digestive disorders, colon disease, thyroid disorders, urine and bladder problems, tendonitis and bursitis, along with many more medical conditions affect adults. To get rid of these medical issues, visit the finest internal medicine hospitals in Begur, Bangalore.

If the temperature rises beyond 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (39 degrees Celsius), The patient has a medical emergency. In addition, if the patient feels lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, difficulty breathing, chest discomfort, or seizures, visit a doctor in the Manipal Begur clinic. Also, seek medical assistance if the fever has persisted for more than three days or have a pre-existing medical condition. Get to know more about it at the leading internal medicine hospitals in Begur, Bangalore.

Handwashing habits are a good strategy to avoid getting a cold. It is critical to wash hands repeatedly and thoroughly with soap and water. Use an alcohol-based sanitizer in an emergency. Touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unclean hands might allow cold viruses to enter the body. Avoiding close contact with those who are suffering from a cold, can also infect you.

While some medical conditions are caused by external facts, many medical problems arise due to genetic predispositions. Get the best treatment at the top internal medicine hospitals in Begur, Bangalore.

If you're sniffling but not fatigued or feverish, your cold could be an allergy. Also, if the symptoms linger for more than two weeks and you have red, itchy eyes, you may have allergies. However, it can be difficult to discern the difference since persons with allergies and asthma are more prone to catch a cold. They could already have inflamed and irritated lungs, making them less capable of fighting off a virus.

There is a wide range of medical conditions that are preventable and several programs are set in place to manage an adult’s health. However, not all medical disorders are completely preventable. Consult with a team of experts at the internal medicine hospitals in Begur, Bangalore.

It is extremely important to follow up with annual health checkups. This will help you keep a check on several risk factors that may lead to complex conditions in the future.

Stomach infections in children can persist anywhere from a few days to ten days. The length of time varies on the type of virus and the strength of the child's immune system. Children often vomit during the first day or two, although diarrhea can linger for up to a week.

Manipal Hospitals is dedicated to providing high-quality, personalised care and building long-term partnerships with its patients. Our Internal Medicine Department, it’s various subspecialities and patients are a testament to this.

Contact us to know more about Internal medicine problems and book an appointment with one of our specialized today.