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Neurological emergencies are medical emergencies that involve the neurological system of the body, including the brain, spinal cord, optic and olfactory nerves, and all nerves outside the central nervous system. Acute or sudden-onset neurological diseases account for a significant proportion of emergency room visits.
Acute neurological diseases are among the most prevalent reasons people are admitted to emergency rooms worldwide. There are several such illnesses, and it is essential to learn what to do if someone has a neurological emergency. While stroke, fainting, and seizures are the most common emergencies, various other disorders may necessitate emergency neurological care at the best neurological emergencies treatment in Begur, Bangalore if they relapse or begin to exhibit severe symptoms.
Strokes are the most common and feared form of neurological emergency.A stroke is an acute vascular event in the brain caused by a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel. Even though heart attacks are one of the most common causes of mortality and disability, there is less awareness of the illness and prevention strategies.
Stroke can occur at any age because the key risk factors include hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and smoking, none of which are age specific. Stroke symptoms include loss of consciousness, limb weakness, slurring or loss of speech, and memory problems. The sufferer must be taken to the hospital right away. When thrombolysis is performed at the appropriate time, the severity of the stroke can be minimised, making a major difference in the result.
One of the most common neurological emergencies is loss of consciousness. Some of the reasons of unconsciousness include epilepsy, a fast drop in blood pressure, stroke, poisoning, low salt levels in the blood, and liver or renal disease.
Severe headache with sudden onset
Patients who present to the emergency room with a rapid onset of severe headache should be thoroughly checked by a specialist to rule out reasons such as brain haemorrhage, meningitis, and acute migraine. It is best not to ignore any intense headache because the majority of these diseases are curable.
Fits [convulsions]
Seizures come in a variety of forms. Seizures can cause anything from blank stares to loss of consciousness with spasticity or muscle jerking. Common generalised seizures frequently begin with the victim crying out or making a sound. This could be followed by several seconds of aberrant stiffening, which could proceed to abnormal rhythmic jerking of the arms and legs.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
This is a disorder in which the patient develops limb weakness and numbness after a viral illness. During a viral infection, antibodies produced assault the nerve sheath or nerve fibres.
Following admission, the neurologist conducts certain tests to evaluate brain and nerve function. The findings of these tests guide future treatment. The neurologist can examine picture scans, specialist examinations, or blood tests such as MRI, CT-scan, and so on.
Treatment and prevention differ depending on the severity of the problem. The neurologist will work with you to create a treatment plan that will meet your needs and cure your neurological ailment. Book an appointment to the best neurology hospital in Begur, Bangalore.
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