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A myomectomy is a procedure that removes fibroids while leaving the uterus intact. Myomectomy is the greatest treatment choice for women who have fibroid symptoms and wish to have children in the future.
Myomectomy is very effective; however fibroids can regrow. The younger you are and the more fibroids you have at myomectomy, the more likely you will develop fibroids again. Women approaching menopause are the least likely to experience recurrence of fibroids problems following a myomectomy.
A myomectomy can be done in a variety of methods. You might be a candidate for an abdominal myomectomy, a laparoscopic myomectomy, or a hysteroscopic myomectomy, depending on the size, number, and location of your fibroids.
Myomectomy of the abdomen
An abdominal myomectomy, also referred to as an "open" myomectomy, is a significant surgical treatment. It entails removing the fibroids from the uterine wall using a "bikini cut" incision made through the skin on the lower abdomen. After that, multiple layers of stitches are used to reconstruct the uterine muscle. During the process, you will be unconscious.
Your doctor might advise a Caesarean section (C-section) for the birth of subsequent pregnancies after a myomectomy. This lowers the possibility that your uterus will split open during birth. How deeply the fibroids were implanted in the uterine wall during surgical excision will determine if a C-section is necessary.
It's also crucial to remember that fresh fibroids could form, leading to repeated discomfort and more treatments.
Myomectomy with laparoscopy
Laparoscopic myomectomy can only remove some types of fibroids. An abdominal myomectomy may be required if the fibroids are large, numerous, or deeply entrenched in the uterus. Additionally, it may be required to move from a laparoscopic myomectomy to an abdominal myomectomy at some point during the procedure at the top gynecology hospital in Begur.
The surgery, carried out in the operating room, will be done while you are asleep. The lower abdomen is first incised four times, once below the belly button, once below the bikini line (around the pubic hair), and once near each hip. Gaseous carbon dioxide is then injected into the abdominal cavity.
A laparoscope, a small, illuminated telescope, is inserted through an incision to allow medical professionals to view the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. The fibroids are removed using long devices that are put via the other incisions. The uterine muscle is repaired through sewing. The surgery is completed with releasing the gas and closing the skin incisions.
Myomectomy with hysteroscopy
The only women who can have a hysteroscopic myomectomy are those who have submucosal fibroids. With this method, fibroids inside the uterine wall cannot be removed.
The patient is typically unconscious during this outpatient surgical treatment. You'll be lying on your back during the treatment, with stirrups for gynaecology holding your feet in place. The vagina is probed with a speculum. The uterine cavity is reached through the cervix using a long, thin "telescope." The uterine cavity is filled with fluid to help separate the walls. The submucosal fibroids are removed using tools inserted through the hysteroscope.
Book an appointment at the abdominal myomectomy centre in Begur, Bangalore
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